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RB Carlos "El Guapo" Hyde (Official Thread)

Carlos should move into the top 10 all time rushing leaders if he stays healthy. Only needs to average 75 yards a game over the final 8 to pass Calvin Murray's 2576 career yards and take over the #10 spot, and if goes into ultra beast mode for the rest of the season and averages 138 a game he will pass Pepe Pearson and slide into the 5th all time spot, behind 4 halfway decent running backs.
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They "rode" Hyde to a win at Northwestern:


He should be the B1G Offensive Player Of The Week, and if he isn't "It's fixed".

Also, the guy on the Ozone board really takes great pictures.

^ New avatar.
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Hat off to the young man. It's a tough lesson. I'm sure he will live the rest of his life not taking anything for granted.

It's a shame that most of us learn this lesson when it's too late. Good for him that he got to learn the lesson and appreciate the rest of this season.

And that was one hell of a game.
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I don't know why we're still calling him "El Guapo" when he is clearly a more, in a visceral sense, a person which would require the tag like, Taking No Prisoners or Beast-man. He ran like a man possessed last night. He was mighty.
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Amazing effort and the level of contrition in the post game interview was something else...dude loves his team and has grown so much since he came to Columbus. I've never been a bigger fan of Hyde than after watching that video.

Interesting read of a person. I was not sure what to make of it because it was a little hard to hear. I think you are right.

It is curious how it got spun in the opposite direction by muckrackers and bottom feeders wanting web hits, making it perhaps disingenuous to even mention the whole thing.

Yeah, I agree with you. Yeah that was contrition.
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Carlos Hyde is my favorite offensive weapon. He runs HARD.....get the extra yard, and last year was a huge difference. I think you need to feed this runner and let the defenses try to close down the run and then, pick your spots to go long. I love to watch him run. He makes the offensive line not only play better but subconsciously they work harder for this type runner.
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Wonder why he didn't use Wilson then. The wisky defenders were in no shape to chase Wilson on end-around out routes, which would have been a nice break for Carlos.
Well, you have to remember the field was really soggy. Yes, it was soggy for everyone, but I think that what Dontre does well is get the ball on those sweeps/jets and gets almost to the slot (aka full speed) and then cuts it up field, seemingly without losing much speed. That's pretty much impossible when the field is in poor shape. At least that's how I viewed it.

I know JWinslow has opined that the staff was already balancing the ball security issues Braxton was dealing with and throwing Dontre in the mix only ups the chance of turning the ball over. Which also makes sense.

Either way - now that we have Hyde hitting on all cylinders, Dontre will definitely be a weapon in more ideal situations. That's a tough matchup for anybody to defend if executed correctly.
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