Gatorubet;1366999; said:
Sorry, but I was trying to gage what you meant by libertarian, and to the extent many libertarians advocate opposition to the biggest social welfare gig we have, I was trying to use my own internal litmus test to see if you were "libertarian light" or invested to a greater extent to that philosophy, i.e., a "true believer".
It was going to help frame my response. Sorry to get off track.
Fair enough.
I support the end to which social security is trying to meet, which is ultimately to ensure that individuals have adequate savings to fund their retirement.
However, my opinion of social security from an operational standpoint is that it's nothing more than a ponzi scheme. A lot like the recent Madoff scandal. Money comes in from current wave to pay off obligations to the previous wave and continues to recycle as long as the age demographic permits. Just like Madoff's investors, the baby boomers will soon find that their 'savings' into this 'fund' have been exhausted. The insolvency of SS is not an opinion, it is a fact.
A far as health care is concerned, I am in favor of having the government paying hardball with pharmaceudical companies to get the cost of prescription drugs under control. Having the government, whether at the federal or state level, negotiate with drug makers would create more leverage for consumers. If such tactics fail for whatever reason, I believe that the terms for patents should then be reduced.
Regarding medical procedures, I believe that the government should contract independent economists to determine the ballpark figure for the maximum profit, or more importantly, the price at which this profit is achieved, for each given procedure should Medicare subsidies cease to exist. The figure would then be used as a cap for the cost to patients. My personal belief is that the Medicare subsidies has contributed to the upward pressures on costs.
I am also in favor of eliminating Medicare subsidies for procedures that fail to prolong the length of life in any material terms and impose substantial burden on the taxpayers.
Now can you let me know what you think about the min. wage and how it affects minorities?