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We are the richest Christian country in the world, and as a Christian country are values should say how we help others everywhere. Even our own countrymen. The treatment of Katrina survivors is a huge embarrassment for all of us. Our treatment of people at the poverty line is an embarrassment. It's not just black people. It's our poor and struggling. Trickle down economy is a failed party ideology.
So. The question is more of how we should help than who we should help.
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Taosman;1379647; said:
We are the richest Christian country in the world, and as a Christian country are values should say how we help others everywhere. Even our own countrymen. The treatment of Katrina survivors is a huge embarrassment for all of us. Our treatment of people at the poverty line is an embarrassment. It's not just black people. It's our poor and struggling. Trickle down economy is a failed party ideology.
So. The question is more of how we should help than who we should help.

People that are poor can't help themselves. They're oppressed. They couldn't have actually gotten their throw their own actions. Trickle down has lifted more minorities to the promise land than Pat Reilly with the Lakers .
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DaytonBuck;1379639; said:
I don't understand how the idea that a group of people cannot succeed without the help of the government is not the most racist idea in politics.

It IS the most racist idea in politics, but it makes a lot of people feel good about themselves with the false belief that they're helping the unfortunate.

Politicians love it because it makes it easy to rein in votes in large numbers. A dependent society is a compliant society, and it's a politician's wet dream.
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DaytonBuck;1379639; said:
I don't understand how the idea that a group of people cannot succeed without the help of the government is not the most racist idea in politics.
If your idea is that "black folks cannot succeed without government help," you're a racist.

If your idea is that "sometimes folks, regardless of their ethnicity or background, need a bit of help," I don't see that as racist.

There's also the issue of "helping the afflicted - a job for government or for charity?" I see it as a job for charity, as I want smaller government at all levels. But I also see that a macroeconomic argument can be made that the presence of desperately poor people in society can be a drain on the economy that can be ameliorated by some welfare and other government help for the poor.

Is this philosophy or politics? Or both?
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Tresselbeliever;1384063; said:
Still waiting for a response from Gator...


Day-um. Glad you weren't holding your breath. :tongue2: Generally, could you tell me in broad brush strokes what you believe the "libertarian interpretation and prescriptions for the problem of rampant poverty in most black neighborhoods" are?

I assume that you would hold that libertarian positions are against all minimum wage and most other labor laws, and against government restrictions on labor and housing because of licensing, permits, zoning, etc., that are a bar to employment, including laws prohibiting things like the sale of drugs and prostitution. I assume that you want to see all of the government sponsored "charity" functions privatized.

But I am just guessing what you think are the libertarian priciples that you want me to discuss, and so that is a poor start to a discussion without some common ground on what are the libertarian interpretations and prescriptons.
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Holder: U.S. a 'nation of cowards' on race discussions - CNN.com

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In a blunt assessment of race relations in the United States, Attorney General Eric Holder Wednesday called the American people "essentially a nation of cowards" in failing to openly discuss the issue of race.
Eric Holder spoke to an overflowing crowd for Black History Month at the Justice Department Wednesday.


In his first major speech since being confirmed, the nation's first black attorney general told an overflow crowd celebrating Black History Month at the Justice Department the nation remains "voluntarily socially segregated."
"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder declared.
Holder urged Americans of all races to use Black History Month as a time to have a forthright national conversation between blacks and whites to discuss aspects of race which are ignored because they are uncomfortable.
The attorney general said employees across the country "have done a pretty good job in melding the races in the workplace," but he noted that "certain subjects are off limits and that to explore them risks at best embarrassment and at worst the questioning of one's character."
Watch Holder talk about race ?
"On Saturdays and Sundays, America in the year 2009 does not, in some ways, differ significantly from the country that existed some 50 years ago. This is truly sad," Holder said.
Following his address, Holder declined to say whether his unexpectedly stern message would be translated into policy.

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Following his address, Holder declined to say whether his unexpectedly stern message would be translated into policy.
I anticipate legislation obligating Americans to openly confront people of other races regarding one another's opinions and prejudices regarding their respective ethnicities. In order not to be cowardly, rednecks will be obligated to use the word "ni***r" when addressing African-Americans, and people of color will be legally required to use the term "cracker" when addressing paler-skinned acquaintances.

In the wake of the phenomenal success this law will have in population control, we can then expect amendments that will require Ohio State fans to refer to University of Michigan fans as "those motherfucking weasel-dicked cocksucking shit-for-brains."

If anyone concludes from this post that I think Holder has confused cowardice with good manners, well, you are free to draw that conclusion.
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