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QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

buckeyesin07;1829793; said:
I agree. That 49ers team is such a joke that Tom Brady could have been the QB last weekend and they still would have lost to the Packers by 3 TDs. For Troy to lose the starting job after that game is ridiculous. Singletary is clueless.

I'm normally the anti-homer who ticks everyone off by saying that the coaches probably know more than us and we should simma down. However, in this case I have to agree that I'm confused by this change. Granted, Troy hasn't looked great in the past couple of games, but his overall body of work certainly seems better than ASmith's work. Meanwhile, Troy has been there a fraction of the time that ASmith has been there. At this point, it almost seems like the coaching decisions are reactionary instead of true leadership. Shame.

On the other hand, this isn't over for Troy by a long shot. If Troy sticks in SF, I think he'll have an opportunity to win this job outright when the current staff is removed...which seems likely to be at the end of this year.
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muffler dragon;1829905; said:
I stand corrected. Ashamed and barred from civilizaiton, I wander on.... :sad:


Sounds like you need to go find some other sore loser group to join.... :p
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Singletary was quoted as saying this:

Singletary cited the "experience factor" as the major reason for returning to Alex.

San Fran still has a outside shot of winning the division and remember Troy hasn't been there all season and its obvious he still doesnt know the offense as well as Alex Smith does...who gives them the best chance to win is debatable because San Fran is pretty terrible...they haven't won a game against a team east of the Mississippi and their last 4 games are against all west coast teams so maybe Singletary thinks they have a chance...The whole entire QB situation in San Fran has been a mess all year so this benching of Troy for Smith should not be a surprise...they have threatened to bench Alex Smith all season after like week 4 and finally after he got injured did they finally do that...Singeltary probably wont be head coach to much longer there so maybe Troy will have another chance sooner then later
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BigWoof31;1829810; said:
I don't think you guys are seeing the big picture. I don't think the team viewed Troy as anything more than a placeholder. Not for Smith, but for Andrew Luck, Cam Newton, Ryan Mallett or whoever they manage to draft in the first round.

This team needs a dynamic, young QB to be the face of the franchise. I'm really sad to say I just don't think they see Troy in this role. They're going to roll the dice with another first round draft pick given the recent success of Matt Ryan, Joe Flacco, and Mark Sanchez

I am not saying that Troy was going to lead the 49ers to the Superbowl, but I would have been happy to see him lead them to 9-7 or 8-8 which I think would have been realistic. First, I don't think Mark Sanchez belongs in the same company as Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco, but that is not the point. Guys like Ryan and Flacco are so few and far between. I would have loved to have seen Troy start in San Fran for the next few years and mentor a young QB, whether it be Mallet, Luck or Locker. I think the Packers did it right with Aaron Rodgers.....who the 49ers passed up to draft Alex Smith.

Oh, and I found the last quarterback the 49ers drafted in the first round (before ASmith): Meet Jim Druckenmiller http://www.facebook.com/jim.druckenmiller Yes, that is him in rollerskates giving everyone the hillbilly hello. After being drafted in the first round of the 1997 draft 'ol Jim really lived up to the expectations. He flunked out of the NFL after just a couple of years. He couldn't even make it in the Arena league or XFL. Add to that impressive resume multiple arrests, including an indictment on rape charges, and you have yourself a real winner. So, if you compare Alex to Jim...Alex is a success, right?

Troy didn't play great, but he deserves a hell of a lot better than what Singletary is doing to him. He should have been able to finish the season out as the starter and then compete for the starting job next year.

Oh, the joy of being a 49ers fan.
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Offensive coordinator Mike Johnson has said all along that he has been limited in what he can do as the play-caller with Troy Smith, and it seems that his concerns were heeded.
Two weeks ago, Johnson said he couldn't make as many in-game adjustments because Troy Smith doesn't know enough of a playbook with 350 passing plays. Johnson has said frequently that there isn't time for Troy Smith to learn the playbook because the week's game plan takes priority in-season.
Troy Smith freelanced well enough to win his first two starts, throwing for 356 yards in a victory over St. Louis. His deep ball was good for 15.5 yards per completion, compared with Alex Smith's 10.8 average as a quarterback who favored screens and check-down passes.
The past three games, though, opposing defenses solved his ad-lib skills by containing him in the pocket. The result: 37-for-84 passing, 11 sacks, three interceptions and two touchdowns.

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You have to give credit where credit is due and Alex Smith deserves credit for playing a good game today (130.9 passer rating). However, I will have to agree that Seattle's five turnovers had much more to do with SF's success today than did A.Smith's performance. Pretty comparable performance to Troy's game against Denver. Let's see if he can follow it up with a 300 yd and 100+ passer rating game like Troy did against St. Louis.
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