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QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

matt_thatsme;1832975; said:
You have to give credit where credit is due and Alex Smith deserves credit for playing a good game today (130.9 passer rating). However, I will have to agree that Seattle's five turnovers had much more to do with SF's success today than did A.Smith's performance. Pretty comparable performance to Troy's game against Denver. Let's see if he can follow it up with a 300 yd and 100+ passer rating game like Troy did against St. Louis.

all i gotta say is 5 turnovers and look at the YAC. i know for a fact theres over a 100 yards on to little dump offs too morgan and westbrook. not impressed.
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C'mon, Alex Smith was a first overall pick and all I ever fucking hear is how he hasn't had any consistency in offensive coordinators. Give. Me. A. Fucking. Break.

Troy came in after about three weeks of learning the offense. No offseason. No mini camps. No two-a-days. No preseason. Yet I don't ever hear these fucks making any excuses for Troy.

Alex Smith is fucking garbage.
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buckeyesin07;1835454; said:
Alex Smith led the 49ers to a whopping 7 points last night (all 7 of which, by the way, came in junk time--with under 5 minutes to play in the 4th quarter of a 34-0 game). Great idea benching Troy for Alex Smith. :roll2:

Well you see Alex Smith knows all 350 passing plays in the offense so he got the start and he really showed that the 350 plays made a difference... it yielded 7 points and all...
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Nope. They may change their minds but as of this afternoon, Alex Smith is still starting at QB.

Pitiful. Just pitiful.

I'm really starting to feel bad for Troy Smith. The guy just competes his ass off and cant catch a break.

Whoops. 4 minutes ago:

"We'll have to look at film and determine that," he said. Troy Smith was very impressive against the Rams earlier this season, but Alex Smith has started the past two games
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singeltary is a moron...the initial reason for pulling troy was because he apparently didnt know all of the playbook and thats why they went to Alex...not saying that troy could of done any better vs a top 5 defense in San Diego but the fact that Singeltary was considering pulling Alex and putting troy in during the game just shows how stupid the 49rs coaching staff is...shouldnt of even pulled troy in the first place
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y0yoyoin;1835766; said:
singeltary is a moron...the initial reason for pulling troy was because he apparently didnt know all of the playbook and thats why they went to Alex...not saying that troy could of done any better vs a top 5 defense in San Diego but the fact that Singeltary was considering pulling Alex and putting troy in during the game just shows how stupid the 49rs coaching staff is...shouldnt of even pulled troy in the first place

They have no chance against any defense with a pulse. Gore makes that offense go. He plays great under that same Oline that gets qb's smashed.He was also one more guy who could catch. A throw on the run TS is better then a throw on the run AS. Why alex smith didnt even look davis's way last night til the 4th is beyond me. They have some talent and absolutely no direction at all. The amazing leadership trait that Singletary had as a player is absolutely not there as a coach.

You have the browns starting colt. Denver starting tebow and a stubborn coach who can't accept his fate.
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If I had to choose between Alex Smith and Troy Smith to win an essential game, I?d defer until the first round of the 2011 NFL draft.

How?s that for elusiveness in the pocket?

Of course, Mike Singletary does not have that luxury this week, as his 5-9 team heads into Sunday?s potential division decider in St. Louis.

The 49ers have to start one of the Smiths against the Rams. Yes, they do.

Best bet: It?s Alex Smith on Sunday, for continuity, with the possibility of a quick hook.

But I think it would be better if Singletary fully embraces the madcap nature of this wobbly division quest.

That means going back to Troy Smith, who is less predictable and more apt to do the crazy, risky things the 49ers will need Sunday.

Tuesday, Singletary said he has made his decision, but he declined to reveal it and added that there?s a chance both will play anyway.

Singletary said the announcement mystery isn?t due to gamesmanship, because that?s ?cat-and-mouse stuff,? and said he just didn?t feel like making the decision public yet.

Meanwhile, neither Smith was seen in the locker room during the 55-minute period for media availability.



Which Smith will start at QB? Coach won't say
David White, Chronicle Staff Writer
San Francisco Chronicle
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mike Singletary knows the identity of his starting quarterback. He wants it to remain for him to know and the St. Louis Rams to find out for at least a few more days.

Singletary declined to announce whether Alex Smith will keep his job a third straight week, or whether Troy Smith will take the job away for the second time this season. Neither quarterback was in the locker room during media access, making sure they didn't squeal.

"I'm going to announce it sometime later this week," Singletary said before practice Tuesday.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/12/21/SP6S1GTVOS.DTL#ixzz18qZ0jvMg
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