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QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

It's official: Troy Smith will be starting QB on Sunday for San Francisco 49ers
By Daniel Brown
[email protected]
Posted: 12/23/2010

Troy Smith, back as the starting quarterback, recognizes that the 49ers' fate is in his hands.

"Huge," he said minutes after being reanointed as the starter. "It's huge for any player to be able to play in a game of this magnitude and have a chance to showcase his talents and be a part of something special. It's going to be pretty big for all of us."

Coach Mike Singletary formally announced his poorly kept secret Thursday, saying that Troy Smith would start Sunday against the Rams. The 49ers need a win in St. Louis to keep their playoff hopes alive, and Singletary said Smith's progress with the playbook over the past few weeks makes him the team's best option.

Singletary also made what sounded like a concession speech on Alex Smith, indicating that the former No. 1 pick failed to capitalize on his opportunity.

"The most important thing for me coming into the season is to make sure I gave Alex every opportunity that I possibly could to succeed. I did not impede that in any way," Singletary said. "And it's worked out the way it's worked out. And, you know, you can say, yes, you're disappointed.

"And you can say a lot of different things. The bottom line is: It is what it is right now. And you move forward. But I know the information that I need to know."


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_jAqZPDX6Y&feature=fvst"]YouTube - Talking Heisman: Troy Smith[/ame]
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leroyjenkins;1839945; said:
Coach, open up the Offense a little bit, and Troy will get yall in the playoffs!

So far this game, 6 runs, 1 pass. The pass was completed for a first down. There has been multiple snap issues and false start penalties.

The entire Niners offense gives him absolutely zero chance of success.
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matt_thatsme;1840828; said:
Troy was definitely looking at Crabtree in the replay. C'mon Kenny and Daryl, give credit where credit is due.

Who cares who the intended target was. The Niners need to be grateful that the play wasn't whistled dead for another O-Line penalty (false start).

Its hard for Smith to get any credit or show off HIS skills when you are so hampered by one of the worst O-Lines in the NFL.
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The line is fine, the coaching is awful. With a good staff around them this team would not be a joke. They're plenty talented. They just have no discipline and their staff lost credibility a long time ago. Their problems are all mental (penalties and mental/positioning errors - not talent).

A coaching change was due such a long time ago it's not even funny. They could use a Gruden-type. Someone who knows what to do with talent.
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