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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

matcar;2044001; said:
Typical bluster from Mili. The point is simple, if you say that playing the game is a benefit, then KH's playing must be conceded. If its of no benefit then the same holds true for Vrable.

Look, any fool can see that excelling in the NFL has no bearing upon your ability to coach, otherwise the coaching ranks would. E littered with Lawrence Taylor, Jerry Rice, etc. so the point is simple.

Now, it seems HIGHLY unlikely that the next head coach would actually want KH coaching, but if he did I'd have to assume be knew what he was doing.

OK. Here's no bluster.

We can assume that Kirk Herbstreit started at Ohio State during that one year because he was the best quarterback on the team that year within the system. Players differ in their knowledge of the game. When we say that the game "slows down" for multi-year starters who excel at the position, we recognize that the benefits accrue from experience in the position and that these benefits can be observed in the performance of the player.

Thus, starting at a Division 1 team for one year, even an Ohio State, doesn't mean that a player has really has acquired enough knowledge of the position to coach it. Given the very modest accomplishments of Herbstreit--whose accomplishments are among the least impressive pf starting Buckeye quarterbacks that I can remember--and the fact that he has not coached, I think that it is safe to say that there must be dozens, if not hundreds, or more qualified individuals to serve as quarterbacks coach at Ohio State.

Of course, the immature and petulant behavior of Herbstreit toward Ohio State in recent years is just another cherry on the top of that sundae of rainbows and lollipops.
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Steve19;2045104; said:
OK. Here's no bluster.

We can assume that Kirk Herbstreit started at Ohio State during that one year because he was the best quarterback on the team that year within the system. Players differ in their knowledge of the game. When we say that the game "slows down" for multi-year starters who excel at the position, we recognize that the benefits accrue from experience in the position and that these benefits can be observed in the performance of the player.

Thus, starting at a Division 1 team for one year, even an Ohio State, doesn't mean that a player has really has acquired enough knowledge of the position to coach it. Given the very modest accomplishments of Herbstreit--whose accomplishments are among the least impressive pf starting Buckeye quarterbacks that I can remember--and the fact that he has not coached, I think that it is safe to say that there must be dozens, if not hundreds, or more qualified individuals to serve as quarterbacks coach at Ohio State.

Of course, the immature and petulant behavior of Herbstreit toward Ohio State in recent years is just another cherry on the top of that sundae of rainbows and lollipops.
Look I never said I wanted him as a coach, I am only stating that if experience matters, as some have suggested then it is obvious that he has experience. Personally I don't believe that playing the position has a lick to do with being an effective coach. I am merely pointing out the funny double standard at play.
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matcar;2045114; said:
Look I never said I wanted him as a coach, I am only stating that if experience matters, as some have suggested then it is obvious that he has experience. Personally I don't believe that playing the position has a lick to do with being an effective coach. I am merely pointing out the funny double standard at play.

Noted. It's The Game week. Eie span, een span!
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Thump;2045102; said:
I thought Mili wasn't supposed to be posting for a month?

I'll decide when I'll post and when I won't. [cue the fucking whiners]

You know what? Fuck what I said tongue-in-cheek. I'm not taking a day off from posting...period. And to those who will end up whining about it, tough shit.

Oh yeah, Herbstreit has zero ability to be the QB coach, former player or not.
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stowfan;2045158; said:
Not that it matters, but one of the worst managers in baseball, was Ted Williams.

Mike Singletary is in the team picture for greatest linebackers ever to play pro football, yet he sucked as a coach.

Sometimes the problem with star players is that they can't figure out why the guys they are coaching can't be as good as or as dedicated as or as intense as they were.

Not that Herbie would have that problem, but you see my point.
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Asked if he's serious, Herbstreit responds, "Oh, yeah, for sure. At this point, at my age, it's tougher probably to imagine doing that just because I've elevated myself to a point in my career where it's hard to imagine starting over, but I'm not closing that door. I'll keep doing this (ESPN College Gameday) as long as they'll have me, but if a big time college coach asked me to be his quarterbacks coach and eventually be his offensive coordinator, it would be an interesting situation to deal with."

Herbstreit's father, Jim, acknowledges the two have discussed a coaching future for Kirk. "I've heard him say that and I have no doubt that he's qualified. I'm not sure I'd choose that future for him, but I think he'd be very good at it. I'm sure we'd sit down at some point and talk about it. Kirk's made such outstanding decisions in his life so far that I think he'd make a good one about that too."

Later Herbstreit's best friend, Deron Brown, is asked if he could see Herbstreit back coaching quarterbacks at their alma mater one day. "I'm not touching that," he says, "but I'll tell you this, I hope Urban Meyer takes the job at Ohio State."

I sure hope Herbie's long time best friend doesn't have some inside info...
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Just say no.
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NFBuck;2045214; said:

Just say no.

Meh... I dunno. Let Herbie spend a could of years in the MAC, send him off to the WAC and if he does good there let him spend half a dozen years in the SEC. If he's quailed and still wants to come home, I'd consider it.

There's a damn good reason Urb took that path... just because you watch some football doesn't mean you're qualified any more than playing the position.
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Herbstreit responds, "Oh, yeah, for sure. At this point, at my age, it's tougher probably to imagine doing that just because I've elevated myself to a point in my career where it's hard to imagine starting over, but I'm not closing that door.

Boast much??? You are just a clown that whore factory of espin pimp up. At the end of the day, you are nothing but a talking head who wears excessive makeup trashing your Alma Mater on TV. Pig.

Oh, btw, anyone catch Herpe's assessment of the Meyer situation? Did you all hear when he talked about Special Ed Conference's defense? I couldn't make out the words he said because it sounds like he has a big southern cock in his mouth.


osu.edu ROCKS!!!
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Well, he has elevated himself to a pretty nice position.. probably the most recognizable talking head in college football at the moment, even if he doesn't add much to anything. Would be hard to drop all that for something he might not be successful with.
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osu_edu;2045356; said:
Boast much???

He has every reason to think highly of the position he has reached in his career. Many studio analysts only manage to last a couple years at most, yet he has achieved longevity with relevance. While he may do little more than stay tan and read a script, he has done better for himself doing those things than most could ever dream of.
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