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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

WolverineMike;2043023; said:
what's up with asking Kirk if he'd be open to being a QB coach under Meyer at osu? If Meyer was to come to osu, i'm pretty sure he'd be going after a staff with an actual coaching resume and not taking stabs in the dark at people.

They asked him because their were rumors going around that Herbie would be Urbs QB coach. That all started because Herbie told Urb that if he ever got back into coaching, that he'd wanna be his QB coach.
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ORD_Buckeye;2043070; said:
Forget dealing with fan criticism, Frosty the Tipman would melt the first moment UM went ballistic over his mental lapses during a practice.

Cut him some slack, he's a "worrier".

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buckeyesin07;2043423; said:
Indeed. With all due respect, what in the world are Herbie's qualifications to be the QB coach at a top tier CFB program?

He played QB at a division I level, which makes him more qualified than the current QB coach. :paranoid:

*paging muffler dragon*
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buckeyesin07;2043423; said:
Indeed. With all due respect, what in the world are Herbie's qualifications to be the QB coach at a top tier CFB program?

Bucky Katt;2043436; said:
He played QB at a division I level, which makes him more qualified than the current QB coach. :paranoid:

*paging muffler dragon*

I'm going to take a different tact thsi time:

When someone can show me that Herbie is/has been successful at anything, then I'll address him as a QB coach. :p
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Bucky Katt;2043436; said:
He played QB at a division I level, which makes him more qualified than the current QB coach. :paranoid:

*paging muffler dragon*

In some threads, some folks argue that playing a position gives them some talent to do this (Vrable). In this thread, no credence given to that notion. Funny.
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matcar;2043536; said:
In some threads, some folks argue that playing a position gives them some talent to do this (Vrable). In this thread, no credence given to that notion. Funny.

And some that have played the postion do have the talent to coach that position. Way to lump everything into one basket...
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muffler dragon;2043518; said:
I'm going to take a different tact thsi time:

When someone can show me that Herbie is/has been successful at anything, then I'll address him as a QB coach. :p

BUCKYLE;2043532; said:
Bringing pure facts to the discussion. Well done.

matcar;2043536; said:
In some threads, some folks argue that playing a position gives them some talent to do this (Vrable). In this thread, no credence given to that notion. Funny.

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matcar;2043536; said:
In some threads, some folks argue that playing a position gives them some talent to do this (Vrable). In this thread, no credence given to that notion. Funny.

In fairness...don't most of those people argue that is playing a position well that does that? :lol:
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