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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

matcar;2043536; said:
In some threads, some folks argue that playing a position gives them some talent to do this (Vrable). In this thread, no credence given to that notion. Funny.


Started 1 year at OSU as QB. His stats speak for themselves (including his completion percentage of 56.6% and his 5 TDs and 10 INTs).


NFL draft pick, All-Pro, Pro-Bowler, 14 seasons in the NFL, 3-time Super Bowl champion

Sorry for the timeout--go ahead and proceed with comparing apples to oranges.
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buckeyesin07;2043633; said:

Started 1 year at OSU as QB. His stats speak for themselves (including his completion percentage of 56.6% and his 5 TDs and 10 INTs).


NFL draft pick, All-Pro, Pro-Bowler, 14 seasons in the NFL, 3-time Super Bowl champion

Sorry for the timeout--go ahead and proceed with comparing apples to oranges.

Right...I KNEW you'd chime in with that. But sorry, I don't buy it. Either playing has SOME relevance or it doesn't.

Now, I'm not hear to say that KH would be a good coach, because I don't know. And of course, you don't know either. I ALSO don't know if Vrable will be a good coach. I just continue to laugh at the typical double standard that exists. If you like a guy...it's GREAT. If you don't...it's HORRIBLE.

Carry on with your usual...
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matcar;2043751; said:
Right...I KNEW you'd chime in with that. But sorry, I don't buy it. Either playing has SOME relevance or it doesn't.
Right, everything is purely "yes" or "no". Jim Tressel and Rich Rodriguez will have the same amount of coaching success at their next coaching jobs becuase they both were head coaches....got it.

matcar;2043751; said:
Carry on with your usual...
You obviously intend to do just that...
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MililaniBuckeye;2043765; said:
Right, everything is purely "yes" or "no". Jim Tressel and Rich Rodriguez will have the same amount of coaching success at their next coaching jobs becuase they both were head coaches....got it.

You obviously intend to do just that...
Typical bluster from Mili. The point is simple, if you say that playing the game is a benefit, then KH's playing must be conceded. If its of no benefit then the same holds true for Vrable.

Look, any fool can see that excelling in the NFL has no bearing upon your ability to coach, otherwise the coaching ranks would. E littered with Lawrence Taylor, Jerry Rice, etc. so the point is simple.

Now, it seems HIGHLY unlikely that the next head coach would actually want KH coaching, but if he did I'd have to assume be knew what he was doing.
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jlb1705;2043554; said:

Your move.

Well played. Alrighty then... I don't recall Herbie being any good as a collegiate QB; therefore, there's no proof that he'd be able to pass on anything of value to a collegiate QB now.

Additionally, playing does not equate to the ability to coach. To coach, one has to have a LOT more ability than just physical. He is deficient in that as well. :biggrin:

Bucky Katt;2043604; said:

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buckeyesin07;2043423; said:
Indeed. With all due respect, what in the world are Herbie's qualifications to be the QB coach at a top tier CFB program?

Bucky Katt;2043436; said:
He played QB at a division I level, which makes him more qualified than the current QB coach. :paranoid:

*paging muffler dragon*

Just sayin'....I don't know who is a good QB coach; however, I'm fairly sure that you can be very good at coaching, over seeing, and/or instructing an "act" (including QB play) even if you have never performed the "act".

Here is an analogy: Your wife is in the delivery room ready to have a your baby. Who do you want in there with her? 1) Michelle Duggar who has very sucessfully given birth (many times) before, or 2) one of these guys: http://health.usnews.com/top-doctors/directory/best-obstetrician-gynecologists (i.e. who has never actually give birth to a baby).

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One good thing about possibly having Herbstreit on the staff is knowing that he's watched unfathomable amount of tape on nearly every team in the country. Whether or not he'd be a good QB coach, who knows? I know that Braxton's mechanics have gotten worse than they were at Wayne but I'd be willing to give Herbie a shot if he really would want the job.

Just thinking of Meyer, Fickell, Vrabel and Herbstreit recruiting on the same staff would be ridiculous. There's no team in college football who could match that recruiting power. I doubt all four would be here, but I really do think 3/4 of them will be and that's still good enough.

Once again I want to point out, since Meyer left UF none of the three major Florida schools have been good. Florida is in a rut and look awful, every year the media takes turns announcing that either The U or FSU is back, and they always fall short and struggle to even win the weak ACC. Urban is still a legend in the state and there's a good amount of kids down there who would run through a wall to play for him no matter where he's at. Happy Valley might as well be a smoldering crater at this point and where are those PA kids going to want to go? Pitt, Temple or Ohio State? Also if Urban can lock down Ohio the way Coach Tress did and capitalize on both Florida and Pennsylvania, we're going to be an absolute monster of team, not just in the Big Ten but in all of college football for the next decade. The only major recruiting areas we couldn't absolutely go in and steal whoever we wanted would be California and Texas but who needs them when you have Florida and Ohio?

Maybe I'm just excited, but I really think this is all a very real possibility.
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jarv;2045017; said:
Just thinking of Meyer, Fickell, Vrabel and Herbstreit recruiting on the same staff would be ridiculous. There's no team in college football who could match that recruiting power. I doubt all four would be here, but I really do think 3/4 of them will be and that's still good enough.

I am good with the main 3, but I don't see what Herbstreit brings to the table at all. He has no experience coaching or recruiting and has done nothing but hammer the Buckeyes week in and week out....He can just stay at ESPiN for all I care....

I am sure Braxton and the rest of the QBs will get a much more experienced coach that can bring them along.
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Maybe I should be posting this in the Rumor Mill, but my friend is a trainer at Ohio State and she said that the Herbstreit is definitely coming to be quarterbacks coach, and that the big rumor flying around is that Herbstreit comes with Corso. Apparently Corso is going to be our mascot.
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kinch;2045032; said:
Maybe I should be posting this in the Rumor Mill, but my friend is a trainer at Ohio State and she said that the Herbstreit is definitely coming to be quarterbacks coach, and that the big rumor flying around is that Herbstreit comes with Corso. Apparently Corso is going to be our mascot.

I'm going to have to express my outrage at Corso being OSU's mascot. A mascot is around children quite a bit. We don't need our mascot randomly dropping F-bombs in front of kids. I see potential civil liability. Potential for bad press, at the very least.
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TexasBuck;2045037; said:
I'm going to have to express my outrage at Corso being OSU's mascot. A mascot is around children quite a bit. We don't need our mascot randomly dropping F-bombs in front of kids. I see potential civil liability. Potential for bad press, at the very least.

I would have to agree with you and would add that Corso is nothing more than a mascot whore who switches his mascot allegiance from week to week....
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woofermazing;2045064; said:
If he can't handle the pressure of being in the media and living in cbus, how is he going to handle the scrutiny when coaching?

If they win, which I think we all expect, there probably won't be that much scrutiny.

If they don't, he'll be where he is now. :p
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