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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)


That one pushes the limits.
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Outkick The Coverage: The Face Of College Football

Herbstreit's wife and family have been the subject of much recent public discussion. In particular, this past spring, Herbstreit left Columbus, Ohio for Nashville. Many media reports focused on Ohio State fan harassment as the motivating factor for the move, but Herbstreit wants to set the record straight.

"I miss my family and friends in Columbus," he said. "95% of the people that I came into contact with in Columbus were wonderful."

Many of these family and friends had been with the Herbstreits through the most trying time in their lives, when their twin boys were born several months premature. Herbstreit met his wife Allison, a former Ohio State cheerleader, during college. By 2000, the two were ready to start a family and Allison was pregnant with twins.

That's when things went horribly wrong.

Just twenty weeks into the pregnancy, Allison went for a routine check-up and a doctor discovered a serious problem, the twins were in danger of an extremely premature birth. She was placed on bed rest for eight weeks, unable to leave the hospital bed while she fought to keep the boys, her husband was a wreck. "She was so much stonger than me," he says over a decade later. "I learned the power of the maternal instinct then. She willed those boys to stay inside of her."

But eight weeks later, it was too much.

The boys were so small at birth, that Herbstreit says he could take of his wedding ring, put it over their toes, and run it all the way up past their knees. For eight weeks the boys were in the neonatal intensive care unit. Eventually they were released and the two boys are healthy now. So are their two younger brothers.

But for everyone who sees Herbstreit and his healthy family now -- all four boys have been on the set multiple times when Gameday was at Ohio State -- and thinks everything has always been perfect for the family, the truth is sobering. Herbstreit, a born worrier who saw his first two boys struggle for every breath, couldn't countenance the idea that any members of his family might be unsafe.

That's why their Columbus home eventually become unmanageable.

The Herbstreits had originally planned to make Columbus their home forever. They built their dream home in a quiet neighborhood. The community wasn't gated, it was accessible to all. But as Herbstreit's popularity grew, so did the unwanted attention near his home.

"Five times a day, there would be a car parked at a stop sign, people knocked on the door, they'd ask for autographs at the front door, they'd drive by real slow, 12:30 at night, I was getting up in the middle of the night to see cars outside in the street. I had no idea what they were doing there. The thought, that in this crazy world we live in, somebody's driving by your house five times a day or more, that starts to work on you emotionally. But we dealt with that for four or five years."

Then came a front page Columbus Dispatch story in July of 2009 that published the Herbstreit's address and a Google map of his neighborhood.

Herbstreit, in Los Angeles filming Gameday commercials, found out about the story when his crying wife called him.

He was livid.

"From that point, to the time we moved, the clock was ticking," he said.
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buckeyebri;2042402; said:
Kirk admonishing the Pollsters for dropping Oregon and voting VT so high......this after bitching during the USC - Oregon game that the pollsters were ignoring USC....are you [censored]ing serious you pompous asshole...

Maybe the pollsters were "sleepy".
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buckeyebri;2042402; said:
Kirk admonishing the Pollsters for dropping Oregon and voting VT so high......this after bitching during the USC - Oregon game that the pollsters were ignoring USC....are you [censored]ing serious you pompous asshole...

So let me make sure I have this straight--Kirk is OK with dropping a team after that team WINS a BCS game, but he's not OK with dropping a team that LOSES a home game against an unranked team?

Someone remind me why this guy's on the air.
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buckeyesin07;2042460; said:
So let me make sure I have this straight--Kirk is OK with dropping a team after that team WINS a BCS game, but he's not OK with dropping a team that LOSES a home game against an unranked team?

Someone remind me why this guy's on the air.

USC was 18th in the AP poll going into the game...
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