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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

MaxBuck;2030733; said:
Given the recent victories of Northwestern over Nebraska and Iowa over Michigan, you might want to rethink that.
For sure this year Max. I was talking about over the decade or whatever time period that was mentioned by Bluffton. Sorry.

This year is more of an aberration for y'all, I think you'd agree.
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Magua;2030707; said:
I'm not a fan of bowl records to determine how good a conference is. Look at the B10's Bowl Schedule compared to the other conferences. the SEC is the ONLY conference that even remotely has a closely competitive bowl schedule. Not to mention, we send 2 teams to BCS games every year which means a lot of our 2-7/8 teams are playing foes from other conferences who finished higher in their conference.

Hell, look at 2009/2010 where the B10 played FOUR Top15 teams in the bowl season (and won all 4 - Miami, LSU, Oregon, GT).

Don't forget that these bowl games are often played in SEC territory. Our loss to LSU for the national championship a few years back was in New Orleans, not too far from Baton Rouge. I'd like to see that SEC speed play in Camp Randall or Ohio Stadium in January.
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buckeyescott11;2030812; said:
There's one of Kirk smiling then Jerry Sandusky comes up behind and his face turns to the one of straight fear but I dont know how to link it. It's amazing though.

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This one has nothing to do with Herbie, but it's from that Shaggy thread and illustrates nicely why we must never allow the Okies into the B1G:


It's bad enough that we have to deal with those hillbillies in State College.
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