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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

ShaggyBevo's MagnificentBastard:

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Does he still have an AP vote? Did he ever? I seem to remember we were all crying in our beers when he moved Ohio State down in his poll after Ohio State beat Arkansas, because he thought they deserved to be below Wisconsin, because Wisconsin beat Ohio State.

So.. if all of this is true, does he have Wisconsin below Ohio State this year?
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Zurp;2030178; said:
Does he still have an AP vote? Did he ever? I seem to remember we were all crying in our beers when he moved Ohio State down in his poll after Ohio State beat Arkansas, because he thought they deserved to be below Wisconsin, because Wisconsin beat Ohio State.

So.. if all of this is true, does he have Wisconsin below Ohio State this year?

I recall him saying he was stopping voting after last year.
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Interesting that so many people think the B1G is "down", and has been since '07.

In 2000-2006, the B1G had 47 bowl teams, averaging to nearly 7 bowl teams a year (6.7), and 3 wins (3.1).

In 2007:
B1G had 7 (2-5)
B1G had 8 (3-5)
B1G had 7 (1-6)
B1G had 7 (4-3)
B1G had 8 (3-5)

So, I guess I'm not seeing the "dropoff" that some of you have mentioned. If I look at the stats, the B1G has had roughly the same amount of bowl appearances and wins every season for the past 11 years.
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BlufftonBuckeye;2030377; said:
So, I guess I'm not seeing the "dropoff" that some of you have mentioned. If I look at the stats, the B1G has had roughly the same amount of bowl appearances and wins every season for the past 11 years.

I don't know what this has to do with Kirk Herbstreit, but whatever.

So, when the Big East went 5-0 in bowl games, where they the best conference? The SEC only won 5 or 6 out of 10 last year - are they only mediocre?

I don't know of many people who accept that bowl records by conference are a good indication of the overall conference.
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Zurp;2030454; said:
I don't know what this has to do with Kirk Herbstreit, but whatever.

So, when the Big East went 5-0 in bowl games, where they the best conference? The SEC only won 5 or 6 out of 10 last year - are they only mediocre?

I don't know of many people who accept that bowl records by conference are a good indication of the overall conference.

Just the continuation of the conversation that started with Herbies comments about the B1G being "bad" and his constant fellating of the SEC.

And, as much as it pains me to say, the SEC has BY FAR been the better conference, record wise. As the other poster mentioned, I always assumed the SEC was very top heavy.

However, they have consistently performed well in the postseason. 48-31 in 2000-2009, the same period in which the B1G went 28-41.

I'm not saying that is the definitive way to determine a conferences level of quality. It is a useful tool for examining a conferences consistency.
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I'm not a fan of bowl records to determine how good a conference is. Look at the B10's Bowl Schedule compared to the other conferences. the SEC is the ONLY conference that even remotely has a closely competitive bowl schedule. Not to mention, we send 2 teams to BCS games every year which means a lot of our 2-7/8 teams are playing foes from other conferences who finished higher in their conference.

Hell, look at 2009/2010 where the B10 played FOUR Top15 teams in the bowl season (and won all 4 - Miami, LSU, Oregon, GT).
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MililaniBuckeye;2030469; said:
The SEC has almost always been top-heavy, with one or two outstanding teams, 2-3 more good teams, and the rest so-so or bad.
I'm just wild ass guessing, but I would think that an examination of in-conference play would reveal that the lower tiered SEC teams upset the highly ranked SEC teams more than the lower tiered B1G teams upset the highly ranked B1G teams.

Which might stand for the proposition that the strength of the SEC is more uniform than the B1G. Or, that our better teams choke more. dunno. But it would be interesting to see the results.
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Gatorubet;2030730; said:
I'm just wild ass guessing, but I would think that an examination of in-conference play would reveal that the lower tiered SEC teams upset the highly ranked SEC teams more than the lower tiered B1G teams upset the highly ranked B1G teams.
Given the recent victories of Northwestern over Nebraska and Iowa over Michigan, you might want to rethink that.
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