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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

After watching what the spread has done to Michigan against OSU and Oregon I've got to believe that Henton is next year's QB. I would add that Locker was pretty impressive running against us. That had to catch Tressel's eye and would give Henton a boost too.
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JMO but I would venture that if JT thought Henton was that much better he would be the starter. Point 2. I don't think JT will make that change until Todd would blow up , so to speak. I think JT is happy as long as Todd improves each game and from what I've seen he is doing that a lot.
I too am interested in what Robby and Antonio can do but not at the expense of Todd who needs all the game experience he can get , both in play and leadership.
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cincibuck;932367; said:
After watching what the spread has done to Michigan against OSU and Oregon I've got to believe that Henton is next year's QB. I would add that Locker was pretty impressive running against us. That had to catch Tressel's eye and would give Henton a boost too.
From what I've seen Henton is ahead of Robby right now. But Todd has a years eligibilty yet or is he gone after this year. He is a Jr. eligibility.
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MililaniBuckeye;932369; said:
That gap is not as nearly as wide as you think...

If Henton was to get a significant amount of the garbage time carries, and if the play calling was genuine, instead of handoffs and quarterback draws, I'll vbet that Henton would win the starting job over Boeckman next year.

Here's where I differ from Tressel's philosophy of "not running up the scores". Why not look at it as practice time for the younger guys. I'm OK with playing with the second string OL, QB, RB, FB and TEs, but why not call genuine plays so that they get the practice instead of running up the middle, and quarterback draws? That way, the second string will also get game film for analysis. Sure, don't be an ass and call three timeouts to get the ball back when leading 45-0 in the half, but why not help your second string get valuable in-game experience with optimal play-calling...? I'll never get that.
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palmbuck;932383; said:
Based on their body language and some of Todd's own comments, e.g., he needed to settle down, plus the floaters he was throwing in the first half plus the ball that slipped out of his hand.
Had Henton been in we might be talking, in less than positive terms, about his tendency to sling the ball with no touch - resulting in tips, resulting in INTs.

I agree with Mili that the gap may not be as wide as some make it out to be, but that gap is there. The gap is largely one based on decision making and touch on the ball.
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ant80;932382; said:

If Henton was to get a significant amount of the garbage time carries, and if the play calling was genuine, instead of handoffs and quarterback draws, I'll vbet that Henton would win the starting job over Boeckman next year.
So if we go undefeated or lose one or two do you honestly believe that JT would sit Todd and Play Henton?
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palmbuck;932383; said:
Based on their body language and some of Todd's own comments, e.g., he needed to settle down, plus the floaters he was throwing in the first half plus the ball that slipped out of his hand.
Well, let's not get carried away here. That is something that no one can verify. The rest of your points, maybe... I'm not going to argue.

I was originally on the Robbie bandwagon, but he's really fallen off the radar. I would like to see Henton get some more reps.
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Best Buckeye;932387; said:
So if we go undefeated or lose one or two do you honestly believe that JT would sit Todd and Play Henton?
To answer your question, it's not going to happen unless Todd completely collapses. I doubt JT would ever do that, but if Henton is better than Todd, he must play. The operative word being "if".
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ant80;932393; said:
To answer your question, it's not going to happen unless Todd completely collapses. I doubt JT would ever do that, but if Henton is better than Todd, he must play. The operative word being "if".
And just who do we leave that decision up to? :wink2:
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Best Buckeye;932394; said:
And just who do we leave that decision up to? :wink2:
My point being JT has always given preference to seniors unless the talent gap is tremendous as in the case of Ross and Clarett. No matter how much we worship him, he is not without his flaws. No one is.
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