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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

sandgk;932385; said:
Had Henton been in we might be talking, in less than positive terms, about his tendency to sling the ball with no touch - resulting in tips, resulting in INTs.

I agree with Mili that the gap may not be as wide as some make it out to be, but that gap is there. The gap is largely one based on decision making and touch on the ball.

I'm not saying he should start. I am saying I would like to see him get serious reps in the next couple games. I think he is ahead of Robbie and hey, what could it hurt? And what if Todd had to miss some time later on?
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palmbuck;932397; said:
I'm not saying he should start. I am saying I would like to see him get serious reps in the next couple games. I think he is ahead of Robbie and hey, what could it hurt? And what if Todd had to miss some time later on?
Did I ever say he should start either - I said if he was in.
As for what might hurt - the lack of touch, the decision making issues that he surely will overcome.
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Taosman;932402; said:
Isn't it silly that some would have a better opinion than the coaches, who see the kids evert day? :biggrin:
Heck no , I mean Robby was in for 3 plays Sat. and Antonio got a few more I think but heavens to Betsy that should be more than enough for us to 2nd guess the staff. :biggrin:
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Taosman;932402; said:
Isn't it silly that some would have a better opinion than the coaches, who see the kids evert day? :biggrin:
Best Buckeye;932405; said:
Heck no , I mean Robby was in for 3 plays Sat. and Antonio got a few more I think but heavens to Betsy that should be more than enough for us to 2nd guess the staff. :biggrin:
All I'm saying is,
ant80;932382; said:
Why not look at it as practice time for the younger guys. I'm OK with playing with the second string OL, QB, RB, FB and TEs, but why not call genuine plays so that they get the practice instead of running up the middle, and quarterback draws? That way, the second string will also get game film for analysis. Sure, don't be an ass and call three timeouts to get the ball back when leading 45-0 in the half, but why not help your second string get valuable in-game experience with optimal play-calling...? I'll never get that.
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Best Buckeye;932422; said:
Todd needs the practice more than the other two because he IS the starter. All I'm saying is.
You do realize I am not questioning that in any way, sort or form... I'll repaste it so that it is more clear.
ant80;932382; said:
Why not look at it as practice time for the younger guys. I'm OK with playing with the second string OL, QB, RB, FB and TEs, but why not call genuine plays so that they get the practice instead of running up the middle, and quarterback draws? That way, the second string will also get game film for analysis. Sure, don't be an ass and call three timeouts to get the ball back when leading 45-0 in the half, but why not help your second string get valuable in-game experience with optimal play-calling...? I'll never get that.
edit: I am questioning JT's philosophy, not his coaching.
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To be honest... I found myself calling for Henton in the first half on Saturday... Boeckman just didn't look impressive. That is exactly why I'm not the coach and JT is a great coach. I'm sure 95% of OSU fans wanted to see Henton also, but JT showed confidence in Todd and he came through. I really believe Sat was a season changer for Todd. I think he has the confidence to go out and play like he did in the second half for the rest of the year.

As for Henton, I feel bad for Robbie b/c I personally see Henton being the next starting QB after Todd goes, I think by that time he will know everything inside out and will be able to lead us far.

Not trying to overlook this year... but if Laurinaitis stays.... we are a force to be reckoned with next year with all these youngsters getting invaluable playing time and doing so well.

But gotta keep focus on this year.

Go Bucks!!!
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JT is conservative by nature and won't risk a game by letting the second/third QB play with an open offensive book.
Not gonna happen unless we're way ahead and JT doesn't like to run up scores anyway.
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Taosman;932432; said:
JT is conservative by nature and won't risk a game by letting the second/third QB play with an open offensive book.
... even during garbage time. When the game is 27-14, why not let Henton or Robbie play, especially when the defense is playing lights-out? THAT is the philosophy I am questioning.
Taosman;932432; said:
Not gonna happen unless we're way ahead and JT doesn't like to run up scores anyway.
Why is running up scores considered bad by JT? Because it disrespects the other team and coach? Everyone's got to realize it's not personal. What happens if the 1st string QB goes down? The 2nd string QB doesn't have enough practice reps. You are preparing for an eventuality. It is NOT personal. It's just a job, and it is an efficient way to perform a job. Necessary and practical.
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MililaniBuckeye;932442; said:
Henton will either start or play extensively at Michgan...

extremely bold ass prediction! i like it though. i actually said to my friends on saturday that it would be hillarious if we played TB all season and then went into A2 and lined up 5 wide with henton at QB. Carr would shit himself!
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MililaniBuckeye;932442; said:
Henton will either start or play extensively at Michgan...
I'll take that vbet mili. Unless Boeckman goes down during the season or at THE GAME, he plays extensively through it. I like your idea though.
Best Buckeye;932444; said:
Absolutely true in my opinion, the debate has been when.
What happened to the post with the guy slinging the gun and falling down? :biggrin:
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