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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;932487; said:
I actually had a similar thought the other day, Mils.... I though, how "genius" would it be if Tress was saying to Henton, "Son, here's what I want you to do... spend the rest of the season preparing for Michigan... film work, etc., because when we go up there, you're getting the ball. They won't have the first idea what to expect when you march out there and you'll know them backwards and forwards."

Of course, the "genius" of such a move is only such if it results in a win... if it would end in a loss, people would wonder what exactly is wrong with Tress going away from his starter in such a big game.

Reality is, while I like the idea of Henton - as he would give Michigan's awful D fits - I can't see Tress fixing something that isn't broken (assuming OSU lives up to what I'm expecting from them the rest of the year).

isn't switching starters the same crap that Coop pulled in The Game in '96? how'd that work out for him? we don't need Henton to beat TSUN. USC beat the pants off of them, and while Booty can move, you'd be hard pressed to put him in the category of a VY or a TS. Tressel will beat them with Boekman.
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Taosman;932507; said:
Does anyone here believe that that Wolverine defense will be improved enough to stop this team with Boeckman at QB, in Nov.? :tongue2:

I'll take that bait. Things that aren't very popular when stated on these pages:

1. There's a reason Henne, Hart, Manningham and Long get the kind of ink they get, they're good. Playing a comparable schedule across the last three years, they have put together numbers that rank with, or exceed, anything Ohio State put up (except wins in the The Game).

2. It may be that their defense does not have the overall speed to stop the spread, but there have only been two Big 10 teams in the last three years with a enough speed at QB to play the spread effectively, Michigan State and Ohio State.

3. When lined up in a goal line defense, playing smash mouth football, Michigan has been tough. Case in point, in the first half of the 04 game OSU twice had the ball first and goal and scored a total of 3 points.

4. Michigan's biggest problem against OSU has been giving up the big play. In the 06 game 108 yards of OSU's rushing total of 187 yards came on two plays, one by Wells (52) and one by Pitts (56). Throw in a pass to Ginn for 39 yards and you have close to 150 yards of offense accounted for in three plays.

5. I don't know what happened to Michigan in their first two games. It was more than just the spread. There is too much talent on this team and too little talent in the rest of the conference (except OSU) to write them off. I will not be surprized if they are undefeated in the Big 10 when it's time for the next round of The Game.

6. All the more reason to think that Henson may see "extensive" play time.
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ant80;932396; said:
My point being JT has always given preference to seniors unless the talent gap is tremendous as in the case of Ross and Clarett. No matter how much we worship him, he is not without his flaws. No one is.
Idk about that. I think at QB he may favor the brain over the athelticism sometimes, (JZ over TS, CK over SM) but being a QB (any postion for that matter) the good head can outweigh a gun slinging arm or a mobile QB.

MililaniBuckeye;932442; said:
Henton will either start or play extensively at Michgan...
oh shit! :lol: idk, do you (and grad too) really think the gap is that narrow? maybe bowl game if we have half a year off again? I don't see JT doing it, but hey henton or robby are one snap away.
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cincibuck;933235; said:
6. All the more reason to think that Henson may see "extensive" play time.

I hope not.

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Wishbone? I wonder about some of you people. What's next? Advocating that Tressel dust off the Veer or a Single Wing? Thankfully, the only place we'll see that is on your Playstations. :wink:

Here's a hint -- you beat Michigan by throwing the ball at those weak DBs, which opens up quarterback draws because you've forced them to take a LB off of the field and replace him with a DB who isn't good enough to crack their "amazing" top 4.

I think that Henton is "getting it" and developing quickly. The problem is that he's in potential depth chart sandwich. Will he catch up and pass Boeckman this season and lock down the job before Pryor shows up, presuming that happens? If not, can he stay ahead of Pryor and earn the starting job when Boeckman is done?

Generally, I am not at all sold on a Freshman or even a redshirt Freshman being a successful starter at a top BCS team. Note that by "successful", I mean "be in the running for a conference championship/BCS game". Pryor may be all-world, but his being ready to start next year seems highly unlikely. Look at Jake Locker, who is very impressive, and quite a coup for Washington to have landed. At USC, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio State, or LSU in any given year, he probably sits until his second or third year of eligibility. Even at UW, he redshirted his true Freshman year.

Still, Pryor looks exceptional and should be in the running to start by his second year, when the job would be wide open, presuming that Boeckman holds on to it for the duration of his time. That's the real battle, I think -- Pryor versus Henton for starter in 2009.

Here's how I think this all shakes out. Reading the tea leaves, if Henton isn't past Schoenhoft right now, then he's in the process of passing him. Call them 2 and 2a, in whatever order you like. Boeckman is entrenched enough that we no longer have planned series for the backups while the game is still in doubt, though the definition of "garbage time" appears to be fairly loose. Considering that the UW game was on the road and not really all that locked up, I was surprised at how early RS and AH got into the game. If I had the ability to read JT's mind, I'd go to Vegas and win millions, and I'd also bet that he's settled on Boeckman, but that his mind is still open to the possibility that one of his backups can emerge to take the spot.

So, while I don't have the Mili's certainty that Henton will be seeing time by the Michigan game, I do think that the quarterback spot isn't settled. I also think that AH sees that his time is now, and that if he doesn't make a strong move that he could wind up being the odd man out once Pryor gets into the groove (again, presuming that Pryor comes to OSU).
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Alot of this has to do with how Todd plays in the next few games. If we see the Todd that showed up in the second half of the UW game then Boeckman should have the job locked down by the time of The Game. However, if we see more of the mediocore to poor play demonstrated in the first half of the UW game then Henton could start seeing more and more reps as the year goes on and then The Game will be completely up in the air.
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lvbuckeye;934008; said:
nice post, BrutusBobcat. but what about Tim Tebow?

Tim Tebow is a Sophomore. :wink: He also saw significant reps last year, which certainly helps.

One can make the argument that he was the better of their two QBs last year, however, Meyer still went with Leak for the vast majority of reps and possessions.

At this point, Henton hasn't played himself (or Boeckman played down) into that type of 1A role. If/when he does, then it's a different conversation.

Having said all of that, like everyone else, I thought his throw to Taurian Washington was a real eye-opener and hope that it's a preview of things to come.
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