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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

OSU_Buckguy;934059; said:
henton played after schoenhoft. schoenhoft started two series, and henton ended those series.

Didn't Henton come in right after Robbie fumbled the snap? Couldn't remember exactly how those last few series went, but maybe that was a little sign from JT that Robbie and Henton are close enough at this point that fumbling a snap sent you to the back of the line so to speak.

I'm not ready to annoint Henton, but the inconsistency out of Todd is a little concerning. He had countless late and underthrown balls and more than a few that coulda/shoulda been picked off. I'm just hopeful that if that stuff starts costing us ball games that JT will at least give Henton a shot. Don't flame me...I just really enjoy seeing a dual threat guy back there. I think that dimension in the Big Ten is a definate advantage over smash mouth. Not to mention a whole lot more fun to watch when run as well as Troy did the last few years. :osu:
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buckeyes_rock;934106; said:
Didn't Henton come in right after Robbie fumbled the snap? Couldn't remember exactly how those last few series went, but maybe that was a little sign from JT that Robbie and Henton are close enough at this point that fumbling a snap sent you to the back of the line so to speak.

I'm not ready to annoint Henton, but the inconsistency out of Todd is a little concerning. He had countless late and underthrown balls and more than a few that coulda/shoulda been picked off.
No. 1.) I think robbie fumbled the first snap, took another.. then henton came in. 2.) if robbie fumbled the snap and then henton took over immediatley, robby still started another series later in the game.
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Bleed S & G;933338; said:
oh shit! :lol: idk, do you (and grad too) really think the gap is that narrow? maybe bowl game if we have half a year off again? I don't see JT doing it, but hey henton or robby are one snap away.

S&G, I never said anything about Henton overtaking TB. My "Keep an eye on Henton.." is about the #2 slot and his rapid improvement in practice while also showing he is a "gamer." I'm guessing you are assuming my comment to Taos more than it was meant to be.

I haven't heard a thing about the Michigan game specifically...but I know where Mili did. However, I can tell you there is plenty of Henton talk going on right now.
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Guys (and gals) this is tough. Last 2 years the Buckeyes had their most dynamic QB in years. TB is just not as dynamic as Troy, but that's not a negative, Troy was just that good. We all see so much potential in AH to be the next Troy, and that's what we want. Let's be patient even though it's difficult. Henton will get his chance even if its not till 09. But luckily he'll be ready then.
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Bottom line is, if Henton is good enough, he'll get on the field. He does bring an added dimension to the offense, but don't look for him to supplant TB. I wouldn't be suprised if JT adds some wrinkles to the playbook for Henton though...particularly come November 17th against a team that couldn't stop a mobile QB if they were allowed line up on defense with nunchucks, like Mili said.
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OSU_Buckguy;934059; said:
henton played after schoenhoft. schoenhoft started two series, and henton ended those series.
True, but Henton got more snaps than Robbie did on those two series, if I'm not mistaken. I haven't rewatched the game, but I could have sworn I saw a bit of anger in Robbie's face (and rightfully so after only taking, what, 2 snaps all game?) when they showed him after being taken out. The rumblings about Henton and his status on the depth chart may hold some truth. JMO.
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