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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

OSUBasketballJunkie;938854; said:
Is Henton OSU's No. 2 Quarterback?..........article discusses the fact Henton received more playing time during the NW game than Robby Schoenhoft and what that indicates.
Don't have an account so I can't read the article, but (and I mentioned this in the rumor mill re: Saine) all it indicates (to me) is that we're short RBs and not interested in burning Boom's red shirt, so we'll put in the QB best capable of running draw plays to compensate until we get all the RBs healthy.
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I see Henton's style as more rationale for his playing time that anything.. No hand-offs... less room for error... thus a safer bet when you want to keep control of your lead
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NJ-Buckeye;938961; said:
I see Henton's style as more rationale for his playing time that anything.. No hand-offs... less room for error... thus a safer bet when you want to keep control of your lead
Agreed. BUT if Robbie is the true #2, and the future of the team if Boeckman were to go down, I would think Tressel would rather him get the game-time reps.

IMO, if Boeckman gets hurt.. robby (at this point, IMO) may play but Henton is emerging as the number 2 guy, as some of the posters here have predicted the "narrowing gap".. Robbies expression after he got taken out against Washington tells the story and gives some insight as to what may be happening in practice. VBet of Robby transfering after this season? Or does he pull a "buckeye" and become a valuable role player.. Or is he infact, the number 2 guy? I would think JT would be giving him the reps if infact he was.
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I can't stand it when people start to speculate about transfers. It's so early in the season, and if Todd gets hurt the others need to step up. How many times did fans say that Zwick was transferring or even Troy when he was frustrated with the lack of playing time? Geesh, leave the transfer talk out of it and let's see how this QB alignment plays out.
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OSUsushichic;939000; said:
I can't stand it when people start to speculate about transfers. It's so early in the season, and if Todd gets hurt the others need to step up. How many times did fans say that Zwick was transferring or even Troy when he was frustrated with the lack of playing time? Geesh, leave the transfer talk out of it and let's see how this QB alignment plays out.
Jeez... Sorrrrrryyyy :tongue2:
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Sushi's right. There's a lot of time for both of these guys to battle it out for the #2 spot and eventually the starting role. There's also no reason to assume that the guy who winds up short will transfer. Almost always, the best decision is to NOT transfer over where you wind up on the depth chart (hello JaJa Riley). Note that Troy Smith lost out to Justin Zwick initially, yet who ended up with the John W. and the NFL contract?

The competition is only going to make both of the better and ensure that we have a very capable QB ready to step up down the road.
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BrutusBobcat;939095; said:
Sushi's right. There's a lot of time for both of these guys to battle it out for the #2 spot and eventually the starting role. There's also no reason to assume that the guy who winds up short will transfer. Almost always, the best decision is to NOT transfer over where you wind up on the depth chart (hello JaJa Riley). Note that Troy Smith lost out to Justin Zwick initially, yet who ended up with the John W. and the NFL contract?

The competition is only going to make both of the better and ensure that we have a very capable QB ready to step up down the road.

Great points. I think we all agree that JT knows how to develop players. He turns raw talent into well-oiled machines (as long as the attitude is in the right place that is). But just from what I've seen, Henton seems calmer back there in the pocket. As a forever fan, I can't help but think the future is a bright one even if we don't land Pryor. Henton just looks like a gamer and he has all the tools!

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buckeyes_rock;939228; said:
Great points. I think we all agree that JT knows how to develop players. He turns raw talent into well-oiled machines (as long as the attitude is in the right place that is). But just from what I've seen, Henton seems calmer back there in the pocket. As a forever fan, I can't help but think the future is a bright one even if we don't land Pryor. Henton just looks like a gamer and he has all the tools!


And after 48 pages we come back to what I said in the beginning; don't worry about ... the coaches will do what they need to do. :biggrin:
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