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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

ant80;932297; said:
I would ideally like to see Henton or Schoenhoft get the nod over Boeckman and start for the next three years, and then have Pryor take over for the next three. That way, we have stability at the most important position for the next six. There, I said. Means it probably won't happen... :biggrin: Damn...

I don't understand that at all. First off, Boeckman is far and away our best QB this year. We would basically be giving up our NC and Big-10 title hopes if we sat him. Secondly, if Henton starts it would be for 4 years which would mean Pryor would only get 1-2 years. No offense, but I really dislike that scenario.
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OregonBuckeye;932307; said:
I don't understand that at all. First off, Boeckman is far and away our best QB this year. We would basically be giving up our NC and Big-10 title hopes if we sat him. Secondly, if Henton starts it would be for 4 years which would mean Pryor would only get 1-2 years. No offense, but I really dislike that scenario.
To answer your first point, I just see Henton with a bit more upside than Boeckman. I never said that the best QB shouldn't play, mind you. I am just hoping Henton would develop quicker to overtake Todd soon.

Secondly, if Henton starts as a RS Frosh, I am willing to bet he doesn't stay for his senior season. On the other hand, if Boeckman starts two seasons, I'm willing to vbet Pryor doesn't overtake a RS Junior in Henton his RS Frosh season, which would still leave him only two years as starter. Which is why I said what I said in the first place.
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ant80;932319; said:
To answer your first point, I just see Henton with a bit more upside than Boeckman. I never said that the best QB shouldn't play, mind you. I am just hoping Henton would develop quicker to overtake Todd soon.

Secondly, if Henton starts as a RS Frosh, I am willing to bet he doesn't stay for his senior season. On the other hand, if Boeckman starts two seasons, I'm willing to vbet Pryor doesn't overtake a RS Junior in Henton his RS Frosh season, which would still leave him only two years as starter. Which is why I said what I said in the first place.
Just curious as to which criteria you think Henton is ahead of Todd in and which criteria you think Todd is ahead in.

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No one has earned the right to get his shot as much as Todd Boeckman. Having said that, I would like to see Antonio Henton be given an opportunity to rotate in, as a backup, and be allowed to run an offense that isn't limited to just QB draws and hand-offs.

The Henton to Taurian Washington pass was electric. I'd like to see if that was a fluke or a sign of greater things to come.
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Best Buckeye;932321; said:
Just curious as to which criteria you think Henton is ahead of Todd in and which criteria you think Todd is ahead in.

I didn't say that Henton was ahead of Todd. His decision making was poor in the spring game, and he needs a bit more more "touch" on his throws, from what little I saw of him in the past three games. I'd love to see us do a roll out with Henton, and see what he can do with the ball. I'd also like to see him buy more time with his feet, which I think he can better than Todd.

edit: During the UW game, one of the commentators made a mention about how you have to throw the ball when you are around 80% sure of a completion, and that if you wait till you are 100% certain, it's probably too late. IMO, Henton waits shorter, say maybe around 50%. He needs to have more patience in the pocket.
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ant80;932330; said:
I didn't say that Henton was ahead of Todd. His decision making was poor in the spring game, and he needs a bit more more "touch" on his throws, from what little I saw of him in the past three games. I'd love to see us do a roll out with Henton, and see what he can do with the ball. I'd also like to see him buy more time with his feet, which I think he can better than Todd.
OOPs quoting Ant here
"I just see Henton with a bit more upside than Boeckman"
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billmac91;932332; said:
the negative recruiting party has begun I'm sure....I know Terrelle stated he's ok w/ redshirting but you can bet every school in the country is whispering about the QB depth here
It hasn't worked yet. Henton's hype is nothing new.
Best Buckeye;932333; said:
"I just see Henton with a bit more upside than Boeckman"
Pryor may have more upside than 90% of the current D1 QBs. That doesn't mean he's ahead of them at the moment.
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ant80;932319; said:
To answer your first point, I just see Henton with a bit more upside than Boeckman. I never said that the best QB shouldn't play, mind you. I am just hoping Henton would develop quicker to overtake Todd soon.

I do too but there's such a wide gap between Boeckman and Henton right now.
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Best Buckeye;932333; said:
"I just see Henton with a bit more upside than Boeckman"
I don't think "upside" means he is better than Todd right now. I just meant potential. I also said I didn't think that was going to happen. Just as I don't expect Pryor to overtake Henton as a RF Frosh, I also don't expect Henton to overtake Boeckman as a RS Frosh. As I mentioned before, I just hope he develops better.

edit: Oregon Buckeye beat me to it.
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ant80;932351; said:
I don't think "upside" means he is better than Todd right now. I just meant potential. I also said I didn't think that was going to happen. Just as I don't expect Pryor to overtake Henton as a RF Frosh, I also don't expect Henton to overtake Boeckman as a RS Frosh. As I mentioned before, I just hope he develops better.

edit: Oregon Buckeye beat me to it.
thanks for the clarification.
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Best Buckeye;932321; said:
Just curious as to which criteria you think Henton is ahead of Todd in and which criteria you think Todd is ahead in.

I'm guessing that AH has more
- poise, self-confidence
- ball velocity
- mobility, escapability
- threat to run

I would like to see if this is true and also if he makes good decisions.
I would think Todd knows the playbook better and probably makes better decisions right now.
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