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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

Henton should just be thanking his lucky stars he does not play for the disciplinarian known as Bobby Bowden. When his guys get in trouble with the law, the punishment is swift and severe.

This guy was booked on multiple misdemeanors. No doubt he will have learned his lesson.

Florida State LB Hayes demoted to second team after arrest

ESPN - Florida State LB demoted to 2nd team after arrest - College Football
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OsUPhAn;941042; said:
If you think prostitution is a victimless crime tell that to the 13 year old who is kidnapped into a prositution ring and spends her life being beat up by her pimp and soliciting sex at truck stops off I-75. There are plenty of victims in prostitution.

I did. She said "Not enough money, Jeffcat"
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BuckeyeTillIDie;941191; said:
It's entrapment, like all of these pointless prostitution "stings".

Kidding aside, the abuse of minors for sex is real and too common, and the spread of STDs and AIDS all point to a need to stop such abuses. But since the "world's oldest profession" is not going to go away, legalization of prostitution with severe criminal penalties for non-licensed hookers seems the better course.

If that were the case, his only problem would be not having enough money
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Per poster on the O-Zone

By Comparison - Winston Justice @ SC plead guilty to soliciting a prostitute . . .

[SIZE=+1]By Big D on 11:48:01 09/26/07 [/SIZE]

. . . although "2 wrongs do not make a right" . . . Mr. Justice was never suspended by good ol' Pete . . . and the media could care less. Indeed, Mr. Justice went on to start at right tackle for SC the same year . . . the year they actually won the national title . . .

Link: http://www.rivals.com/content.asp?cid=201059
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ShakerBuck;941114; said:
Maybe Antonio felt slighted about the low number of posts in his thread, and soliciting a prostitute would get him some attention here....he is up to 65 pages of posts now. pretty impressive.
And, not one repeat.

Here of course is the view of that bastion of fair journalism, Doug Lesmires from the Cleveland PD.

Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus -- On a street corner at the edge of a Kroger's parking lot, near a janitorial supply store and just blocks from the main campus drag of restaurants and shops, Ohio State freshman quarterback Antonio Henton at 8:27 Monday night became the inevitable Buckeye on the police blotter.
Inevitable? Gee, never waste an opportunity to make more of something than it really is.

With $19 in his pocket, Henton solicited an undercover police officer on the corner of North High Street and 6th Avenue, offering $20 for sex, according to Franklin County Municipal Court records. Henton, the Buckeyes' 20-year-old third-string quarterback from Fort Valley, Ga., entered a plea of not guilty Tuesday morning, posted a $274 bond and was released. He is expected to have his court date set today.
Now, that is something I hadn't heard before. $19 in pocket and reportedly negotiating tail at $20 a pop. Mmm? Definitely a case of the math not adding up.
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Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus -- On a street corner at the edge of a Kroger's parking lot, near a janitorial supply store and just blocks from the main campus drag of restaurants and shops, Ohio State freshman quarterback Antonio Henton at 8:27 Monday night became the inevitable Buckeye on the police blotter.

Is that you Ms. Carlson?


I keep forgetting. Is Miami D1-AA, FCS, or FBS? I guess it doesn't really matter. They're unimportant.
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OH10;941242; said:
Is that you Ms. Carlson?

I keep forgetting. Is Miami D1-AA, FCS, or FBS? I guess it doesn't really matter. They're unimportant.

OsUPhAn;941042; said:
If you think prostitution is a victimless crime tell that to the 13 year old who is kidnapped into a prositution ring and spends her life being beat up by her pimp and soliciting sex at truck stops off I-75. There are plenty of victims in prostitution.

Miami reminds of David Spade's character in PCU

That's true in some cases but in the vast majority not
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