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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

I'm not sure which is sadder... the lack of respect toward women in this thread, or knowing there are women out there with so little respect for themselves that their actions devalue the rest of us. But yep, I'm sure there are plenty of females around willing to use and be used free of charge. Blah.

Sometimes I don't like the way the world works.

And sometimes I do...

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Boardroom Woman: That's when the whores come in.

Paul: Excuse me, what was that?

Boardroom Woman: Men laying their trick-money down. Twenty dollars to pay the rent? Maybe not. Maybe instead I'll spend it on the whore.
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Deety;940812; said:
I'm not sure which is sadder... the lack of respect toward women in this thread, or knowing there are women out there with so little respect for themselves that their actions devalue the rest of us. But yep, I'm sure there are plenty of females around willing to use and be used free of charge. Blah.

It's really hard to not have a thread with a hint of disrespect for women when you are talking about two things, the first being anyone, male or female, in their college years. We all did stupid shit, most of us have moments we look back and go "wow, I actually did that?"

And we're discussing a college-quarterback here, it's not like he's not popular and people don't want to know him. Even beyond the school there's tons of woman who like that image, not to mention tons of guys who would give anything to be in his shoes.

Now for the hooker part, $20? The going rate for a girl in Vegas is somewhere around $400. There's a big difference there, so it leaves itself open for a lot of jokes that are probably pretty unfair.

To me, I don't see going out and getting a hooker as anything really wrong, though I can understand how some would see a problem with it. I see guys at work who's Vegas visit isn't complete if they can't hit a brothel, personally, the idea intrigues and scares me. But I hear guys talk all the time at work about this girl or that girl; when we opened our vegas office there must have been 10 or more guys mail the number for a "girl" they knew out there and I could get a good deal. So maybe it's that I have grown morally numb to the issue, but I don't feel it should even be illegal.

We have a lot of die-hard fans here, no one wants to hear Henton screwed up, but we all know it, we all know he did something incredibly stupid and more than likely could have gotten around.

To me, this leaves a few obvious questions. You have a guy, who is most likely incredibly populer, if not then well known, on campus. Someone who is predicted to be the next starter for the Ohio State Buckeyes, what could he possibly want from a hooker that he couldn't meet someone, get to know, and get?
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OCBucksFan;940819; said:
It's really hard to not have a thread with a hint of disrespect for women when you are talking about two things, the first being anyone, male or female, in their college years. We all did stupid shit, most of us have moments we look back and go "wow, I actually did that?"

And we're discussing a college-quarterback here, it's not like he's not popular and people don't want to know him. Even beyond the school there's tons of woman who like that image, not to mention tons of guys who would give anything to be in his shoes.

Now for the hooker part, $20? The going rate for a girl in Vegas is somewhere around $400. There's a big difference there, so it leaves itself open for a lot of jokes that are probably pretty unfair.

To me, I don't see going out and getting a hooker as anything really wrong, though I can understand how some would see a problem with it. I see guys at work who's Vegas visit isn't complete if they can't hit a brothel, personally, the idea intrigues and scares me. But I hear guys talk all the time at work about this girl or that girl; when we opened our vegas office there must have been 10 or more guys mail the number for a "girl" they knew out there and I could get a good deal. So maybe it's that I have grown morally numb to the issue, but I don't feel it should even be illegal.

We have a lot of die-hard fans here, no one wants to hear Henton screwed up, but we all know it, we all know he did something incredibly stupid and more than likely could have gotten around.

To me, this leaves a few obvious questions. You have a guy, who is most likely incredibly populer, if not then well known, on campus. Someone who is predicted to be the next starter for the Ohio State Buckeyes, what could he possibly want from a hooker that he couldn't meet someone, get to know, and get?

Friends tell me that hookers start at 200 in Vegas and go from there. Or so I'm told.

Why wouldn't he sleep with a hooker? A random girl on campus could open potential rape, pregnancy or assault charges to capitalize on his fame. That's a risk a high profile person can't take. One foolish girl who thinks he's her ticket to good life could derail his career and life forever. Going with the pro is the much safer route. No loose ends to deal with.

Deety it's not about respect it's about economics. Most women freely enter into the field and many enjoy it.
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Deety;940812; said:
I'm not sure which is sadder... the lack of respect toward women in this thread, or knowing there are women out there with so little respect for themselves that their actions devalue the rest of us. But yep, I'm sure there are plenty of females around willing to use and be used free of charge. Blah.

Sometimes I don't like the way the world works.

And sometimes I do...

I tend to agree with you about the mysogany in this thread but that is to be expected in with Mr. Henton's action. The thing that shocks me a bit is how little people are making over the fact that he knowingly participated in something illegal. I'm a fan of learning from one's mistakes, but making jokes about getting laid and such skirts around the issue of responsibility... as some said earlier in this thread if your that down and out, save the 19 bucks and use your hand.
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DaytonBuck;940821; said:
Why wouldn't he sleep with a hooker? A random girl on campus could open potential rape, pregnancy or assault charges to capitalize on his fame. That's a risk a high profile person can't take. One foolish girl who thinks he's her ticket to good life could derail his career and life forever. Going with the pro is the much safer route. No loose ends to deal with.

I never thought of it like that and it's a really valid point.
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GoodLifeSean;940822; said:
I tend to agree with you about the mysogany in this thread but that is to be expected in with Mr. Henton's action. The thing that shocks me a bit is how little people are making over the fact that he knowingly participated in something illegal. I'm a fan of learning from one's mistakes, but making jokes about getting laid and such skirts around the issue of responsibility... as some said earlier in this thread if your that down and out, save the 19 bucks and use your hand.

It's a victim less crime that shouldn't be illegal. this isn't a big deal.
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You aren't going to win against human nature. There will always be women who will use their bodies as a commodity to be bought and sold, and there will always be customers for these women. There will always be women who will do whatever it takes to be with someone of power and/or fame, and there will always be powerful and/or famous men. To spend any emotional energy trying to understand it or to set it right in your mind will do nothing but drive you crazy. There are some things in life that have but one solution; Ya just gotta let it go and say "whatever, fuck it, that ain't me"...and that's the best your gonna do...
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DaytonBuck;940828; said:
Antonio would be a fool to not have casual sex with a hooker

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Do I think what he did is a big deal, no. I just don't like to see kids from OSU make these types of bad decsions and it doesn't help the university look good. I hope next time he'll just sit on his hand and gives himself The Stranger. It's a much safer option.:)
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OSU's No. 3 QB scrambling after arrest
Jim Naveau | [email protected]
- 09.26.2007

COLUMBUS ? If Ohio State football players live life in a fish bowl, then third-string quarterback Antonio Henton was swimming in murky, polluted waters on Monday night, if a charge against him is true.
Henton, a sophomore from Fort Valley, Ga., was arrested by Columbus police near campus and charged with soliciting a prostitute during a sting operation. Henton entered a not guilty plea to a misdemeanor solicitation charge in Franklin County Municipal Court on Tuesday.
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