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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

DaddyBigBucks;940701; said:
The surest way to tell if she's a cop:
Don't solicit prostitutes.​

You won't actually know if she's a cop that way. But you won't care either.​

Pretty much, if you have a thing for whores kick ass as the Bucks QB, hopefully get drafted and you can go to Vegas where you can have all the hookers you want.
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Buckeyedynasty;940681; said:
Well done Mr. Henton....well done. You gotta make better choices when you come to a high profile school like OSU. You will get caught. Next time I hope he calls on his hand and not a prostitute. Damn it, I hate it when our players make such poor choices. Well I guess this cleared up who are backup QB is now. :smash:

Easy man.......

In all actuality, I feel bad for Henton. Sure, he f'ed up pretty bad with this one, but as I said previously, this isn't a life or death thing. He was trying to get laid (like many his age do), but he was going about it the wrong way. I just don't understand why he didn't go about it in a more logical fashion........ But then again, many his age do screw up. Troy showed that you can grow from your mistakes, hopefully that will be the case with Henton.

Hopefully he'll learn from it, and hopefully he will grow from his mistakes. I was quick to judge Troy Smith when he made mistakes, I admit that i was quick to judge in that circumstance........ Hell, I wanted him kicked off the team. What Henton did is much more petty than what others on this team have done over the Tressel era, let's not judge this kid to harshly.
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7Brutus7;940712; said:
You would think that a quarterback at The Ohio State University would be able to get poon without paying for it? Seems a lil odd

Creative. Maybe he was looking for varmint poon.

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I don't see what the problem is here. To quote Doug Williams (former head coach at Grambling): "I don't think a headache comes with the kid. He didn't shoot nobody. They didn't arrest him for drugs. He didn't rape nobody. Ain't no problem with the kid." :biggrin:
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daddyphatsacs;940708; said:
Easy man.......

In all actuality, I feel bad for Henton. Sure, he f'ed up pretty bad with this one, but as I said previously, this isn't a life or death thing. He was trying to get laid (like many his age do), but he was going about it the wrong way. I just don't understand why he didn't go about it in a more logical fashion........ But then again, many his age do screw up. Troy showed that you can grow from your mistakes, hopefully that will be the case with Henton.

Hopefully he'll learn from it, and hopefully he will grow from his mistakes. I was quick to judge Troy Smith when he made mistakes, I admit that i was quick to judge in that circumstance........ Hell, I wanted him kicked off the team. What Henton did is much more petty than what others on this team have done over the Tressel era, let's not judge this kid to harshly.

ditto bro well said, but he is a Ambassordor of tosu, so he will be held accountable. This will soon pass
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It's too bad about what happened, but its definitely not the end of the world.

While it may seem stupid and pointless what he did, I really don't think its that big of a deal. He's still young, and like many have said before me, no one was a victim from this so its not like its a serious situation.
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