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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)


Arrest handcuffs Henton
OSU quarterback a rising star before his solicitation charge
Wednesday, September 26, 2007 3:42 AM
By Ken Gordon

Doral Chenoweth III Dispatch
Ohio State's Antonio Henton, with head down, listens to a lecture from Judge Amy Salerno after being charged with solicitation.

Just as Ohio State quarterback Antonio Henton appeared to be moving up the depth chart, the freshman was arrested, suspended from the team and subjected to a judge's scolding. Henton, 20, was arrested Monday night in a prostitution sting and charged with soliciting an undercover female police officer. He pleaded not guilty yesterday morning, then posted $250 bond and was released in the afternoon.

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Buckeyedynasty;940930; said:
Did I get that right, he is pleading not guilty? Hope he is telling the truth if he is pleading that way, otherwize he is making things worse for himself by not coming clean.

You always plead "not guilty" at an arraignment...or at least you should. That gives your attorney the opportunity to talk with the prosecutor...
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I know this sounds terrible but wonder if this will open Pryor's eyes a bit that he may have more daylight ahead of him should he come to OSU if Henton is in the doghouse.

I certainly hope Henton isn't booted off of the team, he made a mistake and will pay a heavy price for it.

To see him in court with his head hanging was a sad sight.
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Thump;940942; said:
I certainly hope Henton isn't booted off of the team, he made a mistake and will pay a heavy price for it.

Which is worse: getting caught smoking a joint (Eric Haw) or getting caught soliciting a prostitute (Antonio Henton - allegedly)? Eric Haw was possibly better than Maurice Wells, but was behind him on the depth chart. I was led to believe that it started because of his marijuana incident, but went downhill from there. He didn't give 100% on the practice field, from what I'd heard. So he got into the doghouse, and didn't do much to get out of it.

I guess what I'm saying is that this incident likely puts Henton in Tressel's doghouse, but it's really up to Henton to get himself out of it. He may be #4 quarterback for a while. But if he works hard in practice, and, maybe more importantly, keeps himself out of trouble, he can get back to #3 by the end of the season. Begining 2008, he can be back to #2.

I don't see him getting kicked off the team, unless he allows that to happen.
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Thump;940942; said:
I know this sounds terrible but wonder if this will open Pryor's eyes a bit that he may have more daylight ahead of him should he come to OSU if Henton is in the doghouse.

I certainly hope Henton isn't booted off of the team, he made a mistake and will pay a heavy price for it.

To see him in court with his head hanging was a sad sight.

I agree it does sound terrible, but I must admit I was thinking the same thing...couldn't agree with you more.
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Zurp;940963; said:
Which is worse: getting caught smoking a joint (Eric Haw) or getting caught soliciting a prostitute (Antonio Henton - allegedly)? Eric Haw was possibly better than Maurice Wells, but was behind him on the depth chart. I was led to believe that it started because of his marijuana incident, but went downhill from there. He didn't give 100% on the practice field, from what I'd heard. So he got into the doghouse, and didn't do much to get out of it.

I guess what I'm saying is that this incident likely puts Henton in Tressel's doghouse, but it's really up to Henton to get himself out of it. He may be #4 quarterback for a while. But if he works hard in practice, and, maybe more importantly, keeps himself out of trouble, he can get back to #3 by the end of the season. Begining 2008, he can be back to #2.

I don't see him getting kicked off the team, unless he allows that to happen.

They are both poor choices...but I think drugs are worse given that they can impact your decision making ability, erode brain cells, and cause you to injure or hurt someone else whether its behind the wheel of a vehicle or in a fight.

Soliciting a hooker is certainly not something I condone, but I know a lot of good people who have made that mistake. Well, maybe not a lot of good people...but a couple.
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If you think prostitution is a victimless crime tell that to the 13 year old who is kidnapped into a prositution ring and spends her life being beat up by her pimp and soliciting sex at truck stops off I-75. There are plenty of victims in prostitution.
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OsUPhAn;941042; said:
If you think prostitution is a victimless crime tell that to the 13 year old who is kidnapped into a prostitution ring and spends her life being beat up by her pimp and soliciting sex at truck stops off I-75. There are plenty of victims in prostitution.
I agree with you that prostitution is not a victimless crime, but what Henton (allegedly) did has nothing whatever to do with 13-year-olds getting beaten by their pimps.
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Saw31;940826; said:
You aren't going to win against human nature. There will always be women who will use their bodies as a commodity to be bought and sold, and there will always be customers for these women. There will always be women who will do whatever it takes to be with someone of power and/or fame, and there will always be powerful and/or famous men. To spend any emotional energy trying to understand it or to set it right in your mind will do nothing but drive you crazy. There are some things in life that have but one solution; Ya just gotta let it go and say "whatever, fuck it, that ain't me"...and that's the best your gonna do...

Blaming women for Henton's indescretion? :shake:
(women are evil! Always tempting men with their bodies and shit!)
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OsUPhAn;941042; said:
If you think prostitution is a victimless crime tell that to the 13 year old who is kidnapped into a prositution ring and spends her life being beat up by her pimp and soliciting sex at truck stops off I-75. There are plenty of victims in prostitution.

There are certainly forms of any act that are not victimless. For instance, drinking is victimless, until you get behind the wheel of your car or beat up your children in a drunken rage. Marriage is victimless, unless you're a self-proclaimed prophet forcing 14-year-olds to get married and unwillingly bang their much-older husbands. (had to get my Warren Jeffs reference in for the day)
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OsUPhAn;941042; said:
If you think prostitution is a victimless crime tell that to the 13 year old who is kidnapped into a prositution ring and spends her life being beat up by her pimp and soliciting sex at truck stops off I-75. There are plenty of victims in prostitution.

The kidnapping is the obscene offense which leads to another obscene offense.

I think we are talking about voluntary prostitutes here...back to Antonio - how long will this dog him? I guess it is up to him.
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