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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

SparkyOSU;819203; said:
Lets just trust the Media

I hope you're being sarcastic. If so, I agree. The media is going to write whatever stories that they can sell. People in Columbus want another Troy Smith. If reporting that Antonio Henton is the next Troy Smith is going to make people happier when reading the papers, then they're going to report that. To much of the media, the fact that Henton has no live-game experience at the college level has no merit. Screw the facts - here's the story.

If you aren't being sarcastic, then nevermind.
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we have to look at this from a realistic perspective. just because troy and henton are mobile QBs does not make them the same in that right. in generalized form....sure....but not in specifics. henton is much faster than troy, taller, but not as bulky. his passing ability has yet to be recognized at the college level so thats still out there. there are differences.
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IMO he played very well for a red shirt freshman considering the circumstances. He showed me a lot. I didn't expect him to take the job away from anyone and he won't until into the season if the chance arises.
Sure he made a few freshman errors but he will learn fron those. Again , I thought he did very well.

I agree with what Jeffcat said too.
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All i was saying is that i dont want the media to blow this kid up when he hasnt played a game in college. And i dont want his head to blow up either. The kid has tremendous talent and hopefully he will show us all. The last thing i want though is his head to get to big and ruin his college career.
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Antonio is from a well grounded family and is a well grounded young man. While I am sure he is excited and overly anxious for the opportunities that lie ahead, he is not one that will allow "his head to blow up". He has a lot of talent but a lot to learn on the collegiate level, and he knows it. He's extremely focused. He's just looking forward to absorbing all the information he can and showing THE Ohio State University fans what he is capable of doing. He doesn't want to be Troy Smith, he wants to be ANTONIO HENTON, and, as he would say, just wants to "do his thing." Might be next year, might be year after that, but I'm looking forward to it. He's a great kid. Quiet, but great.

P.S. - and that Heisman Trophy remark was so off the wall for him. He must have been in the sun too long that day!! He'll learn. I never said he wasn't confident.......
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Henton Fighting for Buckeye Job

In 2005 quarterback Antonio Henton led the Peach County Trojans to the AAA state title.

Almost two years later Henton is competing for the starting quarterback position at Ohio State.

While visiting his parents in Fort Valley, Henton says he's poised and confident about his chances of winning the starting quarterback job at Ohio State.

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I know that it is awfully early to play this kid, but if the coaches feel that he presents the x-factor over Boeckman that could push the Bucks over the top, it's not out of the question that he'll get a shot. Boeckman is a good player and obviously has a lot more experience. I don't like his delivery, his lack of mobility and his foot speed.
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Consistency is the key with Henton. He's high risk, high reward (as of spring ball, anyways) and that's not the type of QB Tressel likes. Boeckman is the most consistent, which is why he is the starter as of right now. When one of Shoenhoft or Henton matures a little bit more, starts making more plays and (much) fewer mistakes, and their game starts "slowing down" for them, I guarantee you'll see Boeckman with his helmet off and headphones on.
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Tresselbeliever;902461; said:
I know that it is awfully early to play this kid, but if the coaches feel that he presents the x-factor over Boeckman that could push the Bucks over the top, it's not out of the question that he'll get a shot. Boeckman is a good player and obviously has a lot more experience. I don't like his delivery, his lack of mobility and his foot speed.

Boeckman may not be as quick as Troy, but his 40-time compares favorably.
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BuckTwenty;902474; said:
I guarantee you'll see Boeckman with his helmet off and headphones on.

I wouldn't be so quick to annoint Boeckman as a fill-in starter. He will be given the first shot due to (among other things) his time spent in the program, but if there is anyone who should be comfortable with what the staff is trying to accomplish, then it would be TB. I realize that he cannot go out there and lay an egg and expect to stay as the #1 QB, but I have a feeling once he gets going and the offense gets clicking, there won't be too many of us clamoring for him to come out. And I really don't think it's going to take long for this offense. He honestly could have a really great season. Just my .02.

But having said that, it's also pretty sweet to hear about Antonio coming along and both him and Robby being viable options as the season progresses. We should have no shortages of replacements at most positions.
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