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The 360 is less likely to have a price drop with the PS3 price but who knows... When the 360 launched it announced it would have yearly price drops. I suspect it won't drop in price until closer to March or April of 2007 when the PS3 no longer has a shortage of systems. There is no sense in competing with the initial stock, that will sell regardless. If they keep there word though, price drop in October.
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Ah, the dreaded catch-22. If I had the signing bonus for my coaching contract, I could afford to buy a gaming system. But without the gaming system, how will I ever get the coaching contract?

Life ain't fair.

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I wouldn't be expecting microsoft to be lowering their prices anytime soon. There was an article back around Christmas when they came out that claimed Microsoft was losing a $100 dollars on everyone of the more expensive 360's that they sold.

For a chance to increase their market share substantially they'll gladly lose money on the hardware.

The real money is in the software anyways. :wink:
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The possibilities with the PS3 are endless..........IF they can get all that new technology working together correctly. Being that they arent Microsoft, I am gonna say that they will. I will not pay $600 for a console, and wont even pay $400 for the 360, as badly as I want one. Just cant bring myself to do that stuff anymore. For $600 I can build a pretty nice computer, think I'd rather do that instead :biggrin:
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Still no announcement of a list of launch games.....:(

Sony Pulls Together Final PS3 Pieces

Wednesday, May 10, 2006, 11:09AM EST
PlayStation 3 is ready to launch, with a price, release date, and game portfolio, as well as a new controller, an online strategy, advanced technology, hard drive, and Blu-ray.

Kaz Hirai has spent the last year pulling together all the pieces that make up a major hardware launch. On Monday, Sony Computer Entertainment America's president and CEO unveiled the final parts of his plan to launch the third generation of PlayStation into North America and around the world.

At the company's press conference in Culver City, the announcement everyone expected to hear—that of price—was saved until last. Sony has opted for a two-price strategy around the world, offering consumers either a 20GB hard drive or a 60GB version. In the United States, the two prices will be $499 and $599.

Hirai also announced the release date of the machine. In Japan it will arrive on November 11, followed by Europe, North America, and Australasia on November 17. Sony plans to launch with 2 million units, followed by a further 2 million by year's end, and finally a total of 6 million by March 2007.

According to Hirai, PlayStation 3 represents the future of home entertainment, interacting with other devices such as PSP, enabled for online community and play, and offering Blu-ray drive and a hard drive. But he said the real power of the machine would come through the work of content creators and the interaction of consumers.

There are currently 10,000 development kits in circulation through 208 companies in 11 countries. He also stressed the new machine's ability to work with PlayStation Portable, adding, "We are aggressively seeking ways to connect the two products in innovative and interesting ways."

Perhaps the biggest surprise of the presentation was made by Ken Kutaragi, group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment. He unveiled the machine's controller, which, aesthetically, is the same as the traditional PlayStation controller. However, it offers six-axis sensing capability out of the box, including roll, pitch, and yaw. Kutaragi called it an elegant and powerful solution to the search for an innovative controller that also feels familiar.

SCEA also announced on Monday the first "Greatest Hits" titles for the PlayStation Portable. The initial selection includes five first-party titles: Ape Escape: On the Loose, ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails, Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee, Twisted Metal: Head On, and Wipeout Pure. All will be available for a $19.99 SRP on July 25.
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A quick FYI... I watched an interview on G4TV yesterday with a top programmer (I think he designed games like Doom and Quake) who said that he felt Sony went the wrong way with their game design, and preferred the 360. Apparently, since the processing on the sell chips is asynchronous, it makes programming much more difficult. He expects, at least initially, that only hard-core Sony programmers (which seemed to me that he was referring to PS3 exclusive game titles) would be the ones to really try and harness the PS3's power. He made it clear that he wasn't knocking the PS3, but was just stating his opinion. But he made it clear that he preferred the 360, although he liked both systems.
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I watched an interview on G4TV yesterday with a top programmer (I think he designed games like Doom and Quake)

John Carmack......but he also said that he felt the PS3 would make it because of Sony's dominance in the gaming market, and their ability to market correctly.

Alot of people are saying that Sony is going to pull a Sega, just like with the dreamcast. Now the dreamcast was an awesome system, but Sega had their heads up their asses while marketing it, and had no 3rd party support. Sony is going to get that support, because they are Sony. I guarantee that game designers are looking at the specs of the PS3 and just drooling over it, whether it's harder for them to code or not.

Oh and in lighter news, picked up a 360 yesterday. I will be enjoying NCAA much this year.....oh yes............it will be good :biggrin:
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i think it is cause its new technology

I know thats why, it cost more because it is new, and it has an excessive amount of storage, that will typically only be worthwhile for japanese RPG games that use a lot of movie/cgi scenes. They need to price them at more, but the fact is, it's yet another reason it will fail when both look so similiar.

Also 300-400? It's no error, Sony themselves have confirmed the price at E3.
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