Too late ... wife already bought me Heavenly Sword for my birthday.BrutusMaximus;1019022; said:Heavenly sword is very good, exactly like God of War, but very short. Literally like 7-8 hours. Dont pay $60 for it whatever you do. Wait til it drops.
I would pick up either the Creed, COD, or Resistance. All fantastic games.

Very good game, though it has some flaws. I imagine I'm a little over halfway through it. I had read elsewhere that the game was only around 7-8 hours long as well, but I'm getting a little more time out of it because I'm going back to checkpoints I've already completed and redoing them if I failed to get a "perfect" score the first time around or feel I missed something. I'm a bit disappointed that it's not very difficult, though, and it's got some horrendous frame rate problems during certain sequences.
I did download the Resistance demo ... not really interested. That just reaffirmed my belief that FPS with a game pad is like trying to eat soup with chopsticks. After seeing Resident Evil: UC and Medal of Honor 2 on the Wii with the Zapper I see even less reason to play with a game pad now.
My next purchase on the PS3 will probably be UT3 w/ a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, since UT3 and the PS3 will support it. If Sony patches Resistance for mouse support later, I may go back and give it a look, though. For now, outside of UT3, I'll probably look towards MoH:H2 and the Zapper on the Wii for my multiplayer FPS fix. The setup is wicked.