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Last i heard the Wii was suppose to be as powerful and have the graphic capacity of the orginal XBox. To me they are way behind the other two.

It's SLIGHTLY more powerful then the xbox1.
I don't think they are aiming for graphics though with this system. I mean I love my xbox, but espically for playing with a group of 'non-gamers' I love the gamecube. I think it came across as very exciting at E3. Like you said it is a hell of a lot less powerful then the other 2; and i'd prefer either of the other two for myself, but it would make a better 2nd system then getting both the 360 and ps3. It offers something a little different.
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I think that Sony is screwing themselves over, because really only serious gamers and rich kids are going to buy this thing. Even at that, Xbox 360 is blowing them out of the water by offerring at a much lower price, and even lower when they have their first price cut first.
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it was smart of them to ditch the funky thin controller that they showed last year at E3. Instead they have one that looks like a slightly fatter ps2 controller, which has motion sensor technology: tilt the controller back and to the left to cause your airplane to do the same. Definitely some cool possibilities, and a lot more functional than the Wii craziness.

On a sidenote, I'm not sure why xbox messed with their controller, it was a thing of beauty. The extra top buttons are okay since many were incapable of pressing the white/black buttons, but the ergonomics of the hand grips do not seem as comfy over the long haul (from playing at a console in a store). Any 360 owners agree/disagree with this? That change, combined with the motion sensor in the ps3, gives them a good edge in that dept.

Having seen some of the ps3 videos, it was clear killzone was a complete CG movie. The ps3 games still look pretty impressive impressive, especially the racing games, but I'm not convinced most people will see a gigantic difference worth $200 (without a 1080p like 141 said).
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I actually love the wireless 360 controller, the ones in the store restrict you from actually holding it in a comfortable position as they're anchored to the kiosk. It's actually a little more slippery than I like, but it's very comfortable in your hands. I was used to the black and white buttons, so they didn't bother me, but the new shoulder buttons work well also(I'm getting used to them).


I have to laugh at you calling others fanboys, that's funny stuff.
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...and a lot more functional than the Wii craziness.

The tilt function in the PS3 controller only allows 6 degress of motion or something like that. The Wii controller has 2 independent motion sensors in it, and another one in the thumb-stick nunchuck lookin thing. I would think the Wii controller has more functionality than the ps3 controller, especially after watching the demo of that Zelda game, and how in FPS games you could aim your gun independently of your movement just by pointing at who you want to shoot. Also the Wii controller (I like calling it a Wii-mote) has a speaker (??) built into it.

I just wanna play Madden on the Wii! I'd be jumpin up and down and shit...and probably accidentally throwing my controller into the wall. Still, sounds like more fun than mashing buttons.

Also rumor has it that the Wii will now cost $200, and has internet browsing built in. Think about it, we could all play each other in Madden, and then right after talk smack about it on BP without leaving the couch!
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good stuff guys... it will be interesting to see more Wii demonstrations... it seemed gimmicky to me (I should have said it seemed the ps3 controller would be more 'useful', a better word choice for my kneejerk assumption). 6 degrees doesn't sound that great.
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BuckWrestler141 said:
Have fun watching fancy overpriced videos on your 'videogame' machine for about a year, before the media format goes under like the minidisk and the psp movies.

I really don't see how you can justify the purchase, unless you have a 1080p HDTV.

I have to laugh at you calling others fanboys, that's funny stuff.
and why is it that you 2 believe I'm going to run out and buy a PS3 the second it comes out? As I have already stated, I'm going to wait to see which is better, wait for that price drop, then buy it. I'm not bashing every single XBox fan like you fanboys are doing to the PS3 people. I'm the farthest thing from a fan boy.
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Not really. The PS3 has more than the 360, that's why you're paying more for it. Built in Wifi, HD-DVD compatible, free online gaming.

PS3 specs call for it to be Blu-Ray compatible, not HD-DVD compatible. Can't play HD-DVD on Blu-Ray, or vice-versa.
(Though HD-DVD compatibility is planned for XBox 360, possibly as an add-on, it of course only now handles 9 GB standard DVD media as its maximum "play-load.")
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Don't forget that Microsoft will probably drop the price of the 360 $100 or so right as the PS3 launches.

I wouldn't be expecting microsoft to be lowering their prices anytime soon. There was an article back around Christmas when they came out that claimed Microsoft was losing a $100 dollars on everyone of the more expensive 360's that they sold.
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and why is it that you 2 believe I'm going to run out and buy a PS3 the second it comes out? As I have already stated, I'm going to wait to see which is better, wait for that price drop, then buy it. I'm not bashing every single XBox fan like you fanboys are doing to the PS3 people. I'm the farthest thing from a fan boy.

I never bashed you. I said 'anyone that buys a ps3 without a 1080p is a fool'. I hardly view that as bashing either. As far as fanboy, I've never had more then 2 of any system.

1. NES
2. Sega Gen.
3. PS1
4. Dreamcast
5. Xbox
6. 360
7. Wii (future most likely)

Simply because I'm unimpressed with one gaming system brand doesn't make me a fanboy. I'm a big fan of two of the systems coming out, so I don't have any dieing loyalty to a company, I'll stab any company in the back if I see it necessary. I before E3 had a bit of unnecessary hated towards the PS3, perhaps as I was annoyed by the ps2 fans that kept buying it in the recent years over xbox, as it made no sense to me. If the PS3 wowed me, I would buy it, but from everything thats been showed, I expect failure.
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