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Regardless of the price......the main reason I would buy PS3 is for the games.....in my opinion, most of the games on X-Box are not that good. I also enjoy Metal Gear and Socom which is only on PS3.....

The price is not that big of a deal to me, but then again I have a full time job.........:wink2:
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I suspect that $600 is a msrp and could be less with normal discounting.:)
I wouldn't count on any sort of 'normal discounting' given the gamer demand and holiday spike in shopping. If they were going to be less, they wouldn't have scared everyone with that price tag. Also, they will probably be $900 on ebay when it first comes out.

hopefully it comes with a heck of a warranty, considering how often the ps2's broke down.
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$600 is way to much for console system. I think that price will kill the PS3 in the compitition with the 360. The 360 IMO is still better regardless of price. There are not many games out for 360 yet but it will start to pick up alot soon. I think Sony just dug themselves a huge hole with the release of these prices.
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OSUScoonie12 said:
$600 is way to much for console system. I think that price will kill the PS3 in the compitition with the 360. The 360 IMO is still better regardless of price. There are not many games out for 360 yet but it will start to pick up alot soon. I think Sony just dug themselves a huge hole with the release of these prices.
Not really. The PS3 has more than the 360, that's why you're paying more for it. Built in Wifi, HD-DVD compatible, free online gaming.
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Still. $600 out of pocket for the system is going to kill its market share. Sony has 64% of the international market share right now with the PS2, so it can afford to lose some of it. Microsoft only owns about 16% of the market share but stands to climb to near 30% with PS3 priced so high. If they can double their market share with the 360, they've kicked ass.

And with the news last night that Nintendo's Next Generation system due out at the same time as the PS3 but at $200 dollars less, Sony stands to lose quite a bit. E3 opens tomorrow and surely more news will be forth coming.
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Honestly, they're just video games. Maybe I'm one of the few people that doesn't really give a shit about video games... I don't know, though. Seriously, even if the thing was half the price that it is retailed at right now, I wouldn't buy it.
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scooter1369 said:
Still. $600 out of pocket for the system is going to kill its market share. Sony has 64% of the international market share right now with the PS2, so it can afford to lose some of it. Microsoft only owns about 16% of the market share but stands to climb to near 30% with PS3 priced so high. If they can double their market share with the 360, they've kicked ass.

And with the news last night that Nintendo's Next Generation system due out at the same time as the PS3 but at $200 dollars less, Sony stands to lose quite a bit. E3 opens tomorrow and surely more news will be forth coming.
If it's better than the 360 then people will buy it, if not, they wont.
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If it's better than the 360 then people will buy it, if not, they wont.

Not neccessarily. PS3 may come with some extra stuff but the 360 is still $200 cheaper. Nintendo system is also alot cheaper then PS3, but it sucks compared to the other 2 consoles. Just think about this...
$600 for the system
$60-70 for 1 game
$40 for a second controller
plus tax

Your talking about $750-800 for a system, 1 game and an extra controller for a friend. That is insane.
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The PS3 is a joke.

The $500 dollar system doesn't allow for memory cards, doesn't have Wi-Fi, and doesn't have an HDMI slot, so that Blue-Ray HD viewing won't be viewed how it is intended. Not to mention the 20 GB is internal so you can't take it to a friends house, and with no memory cards you're just screwed.

PS3 steals Nintendo's controller feature, gives many less HDMI input and less then half the USB inputs they claimed. XBOX360 now has the the same rights to GTA series plus a little bit more in the series then Sony. Through in the fact that the Xbox360 will have a ton of games out compared to the PS3 by the time it is released. The PS3 pulling off the dual release in the U.S. and Japan, will spread themselves very thin also. Sony with the new blue-ray technology will suffer extreme shortages in the U.S. and as JWins said PS2 had a failure rate at launch that is very comparable to the the poor Xbox360 release.

I'd rather buy a Xbox 360 AND the Nintendo Wii for gaming for the SAME price as a PS3 by itself.

Also the PS3 free online gaming... that'll be a big joke, just like all there other prehype promises, notice they didn't talk about the online play during the press conference, it won't be any good or it won't be free. They made similar online claims for the PS2, that turned out real well. AND you should expect to see XXbox live go free in november. Microsoft purchased a online advertising company that will implenent ads into the 'live' feature. With a banner or such running at the top for free service, or for a price have live without the advertisements (Note the free Live is very likely but not confirmed)

If you don't own or expect to own a 1080P-HDTV and pick up a PS3 at launch you're a fool.
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Not neccessarily. PS3 may come with some extra stuff but the 360 is still $200 cheaper. Nintendo system is also alot cheaper then PS3, but it sucks compared to the other 2 consoles.
I don't think the nintendo 'sucks' compared to the other two. I thnk it would make a great second system. Xbox and Sony are going for the same market. nintendo is aiming for somehting different. If I could own any one system it would be a 360 or PS3; but if I could have two, i'd rather have Nintendo with one of the two other giants. Nintendo is making all the right moves to come in 2nd place.
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I've been on a waiting list for the PS3 since September, I don't care if it costs $1,000. I've set aside enough cash while waiting for it, since it has taken forever, that the interest will probably pay for a game. Now if I get it and it has as many problems as the XBox 360 did when it first came out I will be more than a little angry.
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