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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

^^^ This is unbelievable. A bunch of big guys jump out of an suv and beat and kick the hell out of random pedestrians. Reportedly there is no connection between the beaters and the beatees. If true, serious jail time?
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colobuck79;2138967; said:
^^^ This is unbelievable. A bunch of big guys jump out of an suv and beat and kick the hell out of random pedestrians. Reportedly there is no connection between the beaters and the beatees. If true, serious jail time?

That's how we roll in FoCo.

Fucked up story though - yeah, I'm hoping these guys do some time.

FWIW, another player on the team posted an apology on Facebook or something on behalf of the 'non thugs' on the team.
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Arkansas LB Gilbert arrested after robbery

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP) -- Arkansas backup linebacker Tyler Gilbert has been arrested and charged with aggravated residential burglary and theft of property for his role in an apartment break-in.
Arkansas assistant head coach Taver Johnson said through spokesman Zack Higbee that Gilbert has been suspended indefinitely for the incident last Friday.

A police report says that Gilbert and Arkansas students Jesse Booker and Ryan Graves kicked in the front door of the apartment of Mbato Nkwocha and took items from Nkwocha's room. The report valued the stolen property at $285.

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GTech LB will miss at least 1 game for a BUI ('B' for Boating).


Georgia Tech LB Daniel Drummond faces suspension for alcohol plea

Daniel Drummond pleaded guilty Wednesday to a boating under the influence charge, and now faces a minimum one-game suspension for the 2012 season.

Drummond's arrest occurred last July on Lake Lanier, after reportedly failing field sobriety and breath tests. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the guilty plea could result in Drummond missing the 2012 season opener.

"We'll gather the facts and if it is what it is, he'll be suspended 10 percent of the game," head coach Paul Johnson said.

Drummond recorded 44 tackles in 11 games of action (six starts) as a sophomore in 2011, he is expected to be the starter in 2012 and his absence from the opener could be costly.

Georgia Tech opens the season in primetime on Labor Day against Virginia Tech.

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Arrest of Dennard could hurt corner's draft status

Former Nebraska football standout Alfonzo Dennard remained in jail after police said he assaulted a Lincoln police officer Saturday morning.

At 2:15 a.m., officers monitoring bar break witnessed Dennard strike another male near 14th and O streets, Lincoln police said in a news release.

As an officer tried to take Dennard into custody, the 22-year-old pushed the officer and punched him once on the left side of his ear and jaw, police said. Dennard was taken into custody after a brief struggle with four officers.

Dennard was cited and lodged in Lancaster County jail on suspicion of third-degree assault on a police officer -- a felony -- and resisting arrest. Dennard also was cited on suspicion of misdemeanor assault.

Brilliant move, Fonzie. You've got the NFL draft coming in a week, you've got a baby on the way, and now this.

Nice set of priorities there: Booze > Impending Child > NFL/career

He'll still get drafted, but he just plummeted several rounds. And he cost himself any chance at any kind of bonus.

I'm a little disgusted by this, if you can't tell. :mad2:
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knapplc;2144967; said:
Brilliant move, Fonzie. You've got the NFL draft coming in a week, you've got a baby on the way, and now this.

Nice set of priorities there: Booze > Impending Child > NFL/career

He'll still get drafted, but he just plummeted several rounds. And he cost himself any chance at any kind of bonus.

I'm a little disgusted by this, if you can't tell. :mad2:

Moron would be breathing through a tube right now if he pulled that [Mark May] on a Chicago cop.

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Michigan safety Josh Furman found not guilty of multiple charges

Michigan safety Josh Furman was found not quilty of three charges he was facing after an incident on February 11. Furman had been suspended from the team after being charged with domestic violence, assault and battery and illegal entry.

Furman was accused of going to the apartment of a man who was sending him text messages about his ex-girlfriend and attacking the man and his ex-girlfriend after illegally entering the apartment. On Thursday Judge Elizabeth Hines found Furman not quilty of the charges.

?He shouldn't have done what he did ? but looking at the law, there is insufficient evidence for assault and battery or domestic violence beyond a reasonable doubt," said the judge.

According to Furman's attorney, Gerry Mason, his client declined a plea offer to be convicted of domestic violence because it would have led to his dismissal from the team and because Furman told him "I didn't do this."

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Report: Penn State's Devon Smith charged with possession

At the end of March the apartment of Penn State wide receiver Devon Smith and former Penn State defensive lineman Devin Crawford was subjected to a search by police in which Penn State police seized marijuana and other drug paraphernalia from the apartment.

Now Smith has been charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, per a report in the Allentown Morning Call.
Penn State receiver Devon Smith has been charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, according to a university police report.

In March, Penn State police seized marijuana and drug paraphernalia from an on-campus apartment at which Smith is listed as a resident. According to the inventory of seized property, police found a "grinder commonly used to cut marijuana leafy matter into smaller particles," ashtrays filled with "blunts" and a digital scale in the apartment.
As for Crawford, while he shared the apartment with Smith, he hadn't actually lived in the apartment for months before the search took place.

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BigWoof31;2150713; said:
What the hell?
10% of one game? So the first six minutes?

Fuck Tech

That appears to be a typo in the article, Johnson said "10% of the games" or "10% of the schedule"..


Johnson said school policy dictates Drummond will be suspended for 10 percent of Tech?s 2012 schedule, meaning the player would almost certainly miss the opener against the Hokies, at bare minimum.
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