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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)


Texas Tech players arrested on credit card abuse charges

For college kids not much can be better than a night at the bar when the drinks are on somebody else, but unfortunately for two Texas Tech players, the person paying for their drinks didn't know about it.

Sophomores Jace Amaro and Kenny Williams were arrested early Friday morning after using a credit card to pay for drinks at the Firehouse Grill and Bar. Which would be perfectly legal had the credit card the players were using belonged to either of them.
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BC's Rudolph charged with secretly recording students having sex

BOSTON -- A Boston College football player has been charged with secretly making an audio recording of two students having sex.
Backup defensive lineman Jaryd Rudolph was released on his own recognizance Wednesday after pleading not guilty to violating the state's wiretap statute.
Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, who represents a female Boston College graduate student, said neither his client nor her partner -- another BC player -- knew of a Feb. 15 cell phone recording. He said she learned about it after Rudolph distributed it and she was mocked by other students.
Rudolph's attorney, John Seed, said his client is innocent and there's a question of whether the recording even exists.
Boston College said 19-year-old Rudolph is on probation and suspended from the team.

Cont'd ...
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Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, who represents a female Boston College graduate student, said neither his client nor her partner -- another BC player -- knew of a Feb. 15 cell phone recording. He said she learned about it after Rudolph distributed it and she was mocked by other students.
Because if you did not like being mocked for having sex with a BC player, getting your story out to the national press is the solution to losing your privacy and anonymity.
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Ped Staters in the Police/Legal Blotter thread? Get out!

Penn State Football: Crawford, Smith Apartment Searched

Penn State Football: Crawford, Smith Apartment Searched

Penn State Police seized drugs from the on-campus apartment of senior wide receiver Devon Smith and former defensive end Jack Crawford, but charges have not been filed.

Around 4 p.m. on March 14, a Residence Life coordinator called Penn State Police to 1102 Nittany Apartments -- the residence of Crawford and Smith, according to the search warrant -- after noticing a damaged window screen on the second floor. Police could not find anyone at home, but entered the residence concerned a burglary might be taking place, Penn State Police Chief Tyrone Parham said.

No burglary was reported, but when police saw drugs in plain sight, a search warrant was obtained, Parham said.


According to the search warrant, police found a grinder still with marijuana in the bottom, ashtrays filled with blunts in the common area, and a scale on one of the night stands in the bedrooms.

Police seized the blunts, stems and other paraphernalia, among other items that included a can of Hurricane malt liquor, a prescription bottle belonging to Curtis Drake that police found under the futon, and a blue towel with buds in a dresser drawer, according to the search warrant.
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