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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

It is awful freakin' handy that their window screen got itself damaged...on the second floor...while they were out, necessitating a call to the local fuzz. They'll know better next time than to leave their stash laying out all over the place.
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Erving Walker arrested for stealing taco, evading police
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) ? Florida guard Erving Walker has been charged with stealing a taco and running from police.

Walker, a senior who ranks first in school history in assists, was arrested and given a notice to appear in court early Friday. He was charged with petty theft and resisting an officer without violence, both misdemeanors. He was not taken to jail.

Gainesville Police say Walker ordered a $3 taco from a street vendor, got the food and ran away without paying. When a police officer caught up with him and told him stop, Walker kept going, according to the police report.

When officers finally caught Walker with help from "several marked patrol cars," he told them he was "just playing around," the report said.

Walker is scheduled to appear in court April 19.
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BB73;2135792; said:
Pitt LB tried to get away from the cops and also tried to eat a bag of weed.

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Arkansas WR Whitehurst arrested for drug possession

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP) -- Arkansas wide receiver Kane Whitehurst was arrested early Sunday morning for possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia.

Whitehurst, a freshman who redshirted last year for the Razorbacks, was arrested by university police and booked into the Washington County Detention Center with a bond of $1,320. He has a court date set for Monday.

Whitehurst's arrest is the second for the Razorbacks in the last two weeks, following offensive lineman Jason Peacock's arrest in March for using a stolen debit card to buy approximately $35 worth of gas.
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A DUI charge for James Sims, the starting RB for Kansas.


Kansas' leading rusher busted for driving under the influence

The Kansas running back was arrested on campus early Sunday morning and charged with operating a vehicle under the influence. The arrest took place at roughly 2am.

Kansas is aware of the arrest, and associate athletic director Jim Marchiony told the Lawrence Journal-World that Charlie Weis will handle the punishment internally.

Sims started all 12 games for the Jayhawks as a sophomore, leading the team with 727 rushing yards and 9 touchdowns. He's rushed for 1,469 yards and 18 touchdowns in his career at Kansas.

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Josh Furman of TSUN lost a dreadlock when 2 young women who apparently jumped on him to keep him from a potential fight. But he's been suspended after being charged with domestic violence, assault, and illegal entry.


Michigan suspends safety Josh Furman

announced on Monday that it had suspended safety Josh Furman from the team due to some legal troubles Furman is having. Furman is scheduled to appear in front of a judge on April 23 after facing counts of domestic violence, assault, and breaking and entering/illegal entry.

"Josh was suspended indefinitely from team activities as soon as we became aware of the report," said head coach Brady Hoke in a released statement. "These are serious allegations, We will allow the judicial process to run its course before making a final determination on his status with the program."

The alleged incident took place on February 11. While the court has suppressed the case and details of the charges aren't available Furman's lawyer, Gerry Mason, says the case is being overblown.

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BB73;2138708; said:
Josh Furman of TSUN lost a dreadlock when 2 young women who apparently jumped on him to keep him from a potential fight. But he's been suspended after being charged with domestic violence, assault, and illegal entry.


But check out his hair!!!!
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Three Top Colorado State Players Suspended

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) - Three Colorado State University football players have been suspended as police investigate an assault near the campus that injured four people, two of them seriously.

For Collins Police said Monday no one has been arrested. Police declined to say whether the suspended football players have been interviewed, citing the ongoing investigation.

Colorado State identified the suspended players as Nordly Capi, Colton Paulhus and Mike Orakpo. A message left at a phone listing for Capi wasn't immediately returned. No listings could be found for Paulus or Orakpo.

Some of the victims told the Fort Collins Coloradoan they were attacked by fellow students and Colorado State football players.

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