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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)


Geesh - those aren't hash browns. They are clearly home fries.

She should be able go get off.
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Some football players beat up somebody because they couldn't get into a party?

Regardless of whether or not there's a felony conviction, I certainly hope some stadium cleaning is part of the punishment.


March 2 - San Diego State football player charged in beating

SAN DIEGO (AP) - San Diego State defensive lineman Dontrell Onuoha has been charged with a pair of felonies in connection with the beating of a fraternity member near campus in September.

The San Diego District Attorney's Office charged Onuoha - a 20-year-old sophomore - with felony assault and felony battery Thursday. The charges could carry a combined seven years in prison.

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, a police report says Onuoha was with a group of men who approached the lone victim, who was punched in the head and suffered broken bones around his eye and partial loss of vision. It's not clear how many people hit him.

The report says the victim belonged to a fraternity that wouldn't allow a group of football players into a party.
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BB73;2118899; said:
Some football players beat up somebody because they couldn't get into a party?

Regardless of whether or not there's a felony conviction, I certainly hope some stadium cleaning is part of the punishment.


a police report says Onuoha was with a group of men who approached the lone victim, who was punched in the head and suffered broken bones around his eye and partial loss of vision. It's not clear how many people hit him.

Well, garsh! I can't imagine why anybody wouldn't want these lovely young gentlemen to attend their party.

Thugs...hope they throw the book at them.
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The Palouse Pirate has dismissed another LB.


Washington State LB dismissed after arrest

Washington State's defense lost another key piece for 2012 when linebacker Sekope Kaufusi was dismissed from the team on Friday for a violation of team rules.

According to The Seattle Times, Kaufusi was arrested by Pullman police Wednesday night and charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Officers responded to a complaint of marijuana smell at Kaufusi's apartment, and upon serving a search warrant discovered less than 40 grams of marijuana.

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BB73;2120616; said:

What's most shocking about this?
A. That it wasn't a rental car
B. That it wasn't rented in an athletic department worker's name
C. That he wasn't carrying weed
D. That the only reason he wasn't carrying weed is because he had just smoked it
E. That Darren Thomas wasn't in the passenger seat
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Bucky Katt;2120638; said:
What's most shocking about this?
A. That it wasn't a rental car
B. That it wasn't rented in an athletic department worker's name
C. That he wasn't carrying weed
D. That the only reason he wasn't carrying weed is because he had just smoked it
E. That Darren Thomas wasn't in the passenger seat
Based on this information, he should get a pass.
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Minny WR Ge'Shun Harris dismissed after apparently using a stolen credit card.


Minnesota WR Harris dismissed from team

Minnesota wide receiver Ge'Shun Harris has been dismissed from the football team, head coach Jerry Kill announced on Thursday.

The junior wide receiver was charged with financial transaction card fraud for allegedly using a stolen credit card. Police say he took the card from another person's bag at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International airport. Harris was charged on Monday, and Kill was informed on Thursday.

?We had no idea about this situation until today,? Kill said in an official release. ?Based on our team policies and the way we run our program, Ge?Shun Harris was immediately dismissed from our football program. Every member of our team is well-aware of our expectations of them and how we enforce our team policies.?]

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Iowa State tight end gets arrested, tased

Iowa State tight end Pierce Richardson was arrested last weekend, but not before finding himself on the wrong end of a taser.

An Ames Police officer was responding to a call early Saturday morning about a male that was passed out in a third-floor hallway at the Chamberlain Lofts complex. When the officer showed up on the scene, it was Richardson he found passed out in the hallway. That's when the officer tried to wake Richardson up and things got taser-y.

Once Richardson was awake, the officer told Richardson to stay on the ground, but apparently Richardson wasn't in the state of mind to listen. He instead pushed the officer away, stood up, clenched his fists and approached the officer in "an aggressive manner."

And then came the tazing.

Richardson was found to have a blood-alcohol content of .169 and was arrested and jailed before being released later Saturday morning. He has since been suspended indefinitely from the football team.

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