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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)


Texas Tech's Tuberville accused of investment fraud in federal suit

LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) -- Texas Tech coach Tommy Tuberville has been sued in federal court, accused of defrauding investors out of more than $1.7 million in Alabama following his tenure at Auburn.

A federal lawsuit filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Montgomery, Ala., names Tuberville, John David Stroud and eight investment entities as defendants, claiming the two men "employed devices, schemes, and artifices to defraud" seven plaintiffs from Arkansas, Alabama and Tennessee.

The lawsuit said Tuberville and Stroud misappropriated assets, and falsified client statements and fund performance reports as they "unjustly enriched themselves" at the expense of the investors.

Tuberville, who spent two seasons away from coaching after leaving Auburn in 2008, released a statement through his attorney, Vic Hayslip of Birmingham, Ala. Tuberville was "surprised" at the lawsuit and has never even met or spoken with most of the plaintiffs, the statement reads.
I wonder what kind of flak school officials will get if they lose Tuberville, knowing they had a perfectly good, albeit slightly crazy, coach in Leach.
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BigWoof31;2117037; said:
Posting this as a badge of honor.
UGA Female Soccer player accused to stealing hashbrowns by stuffing them in her pants. Kind of a cutie too.


Awesome. If that was the worst thing I ever saw stolen from the college cafeteria....shit, my sister would walk out with an entire tray of cookies and an 8 piece silverware set just to see if she could. :lol:
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Shultis also told police that she had enough money to pay for the hashbrowns, which were valued at $1.06, the paper said.

The police report also stated that Shultis removed the hashbrowns from her pants and tried to put them back on the food counter when she realized she'd been spotted.

She was arrested and taken to the Clarke County jail.

This is clearly some kid playing a college prank. She got spotted and called off the prank, and instead of a warning given by the worker who spotted her or even a stern look, THEY ARRESTED HER. Over a dollar's worth of hash browns.

What the hell is wrong with people. Arresting a girl over freakin' hash browns.

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