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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

ORD_Buckeye;2150711; said:
Shake down the thunder, Domers. Shake Down The [censored]ing Thunder!

Notre Dame quarterback Tommy Rees has been arrested and jailed on a preliminary felony charge following a confrontation with officers early this morning, police said.

This will definitely be a teaching moment.....for domer hypocrisy. Let's see who gets punished more? The backup linebacker arrested on a misdemeanor or the starting quarterback arrested on a felony charge?

So QB Tommy Rees and a few other guys ran from a loud party when the cops showed up, and Rees reportedly kneed a cop, knocking the wind out of him. Rees was pepper-sprayed when he continued to resist arrest, and ended up blowing a .11 BAC.

We'll see if the ND folks now criticize the way that Kelly handled Floyd last year (didn't miss any games after his 3rd alcohol offense). And of course, we'll see if Kelly decides to have Rees miss any games. That may depend if he thinks he's got a decent alternative at QB for the TSUN game.
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Osi;2151387; said:
Not sure if this goes here:

"Ohio State Warns Athletes About Superfan Who?s A Convicted Sex Offender" -

Yes that totally sucks...

this however is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Check the photo below, which no doubt will become the background image on the computer desktops and smart phones of Ohio State fans around the world."

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Bucky32;2151860; said:
Rumors circulating that Wisconsin RB Montee Ball was just arrested at the annual Mifflin Street Block Party. Not confirmed yet though.

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Buckeye513;2151920; said:
Block party in Madison. This may actually be the first time the guy wearing the muscle shirt in public isn't the biggest douchebag in the room.

The guy with the "Jack Daniels Field Tester" hat on backwards is my early front-runner. Although anyone who still wears a ballcap backwards has a case to be made.
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