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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

I'm guessing a couple idiots lost money on the game. Hell, if any of you have the Score app on your phone and follow the chat during the games, these types of idiots are on every game chat. If you're afraid of losing your ass, don't gamble! I know I vent after each loss and feel stupid afterwards, but I'm always disappointed in how someone played, not the players themselves. Hope all the guys who can return, do so. As frustrating as they may be to watch at times, I still enjoy cheering for them. I'd never threaten to inflict harm on.a player nor threaten their life. That's plain stupidity!
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Well whoever they are they certainly are not “Ohio State fans” and are not representative of Buckeye Nation.
Those guys that made the hateful comments probably do consider themselves OSU fans. There are a lot of idiots out there. I am sure their comments are atypical of the fanbase but negativity will always get more attention than positivity.
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I'm not defending the tweets or posts, but from what I have seen, I don't think this situation really merits police investigation. They are hostile but I don't think they are actually threatening to kill him. Just angry fans taking out their frustration on a keyboard.

Fuck 'em. Maybe they don't deserve jail time, but some good old fashioned shaming in the public square is entirely called for.
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I just hope that these stupid tweets do not come back and bite Ohio State when it comes to recruiting. I also am a little bit afraid that EJ might say enough is enough and transfer. I certainly hope not.

I guess I would like to now how does everyone know that the "person" who made the tweets is Ohio State based. Shit the "person" might be from ttun.
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