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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)


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Source: Ohio State reaches out to police after E.J. Liddell received threatening tweets following NCAA tournament loss

Ohio State has reached out to the police, a source told ESPN's Myron Medcalf, after Buckeyes forward E.J. Liddell received threatening messages following the team's first-round exit from the NCAA tournament Friday.

Liddell and the No. 2-seeded Buckeyes fell 75-72 in overtime to No. 15 Oral Roberts in the first major upset in the tournament in two years.

Following the loss, Liddell shared screenshots of messages he said he received from the two disgruntled fans, including one who threatened to find and physically attack him. In responding to the pair of fans, Liddell asked, "What did I do to deserve this? I'm human."

Another fan wrote to Liddell: "You are such a f---ing disgrace. Don't ever show your face at Ohio State. We hate you. I hope you die I really do."

Buckeyes coach Chris Holtmann issued a statement Saturday morning supporting Liddell.

"These comments, while not from or representative of Ohio State fans, are vile, dangerous and reflect the worst of humanity," Holtmann said. "EJ is an outstanding young man who had a tremendous sophomore season and he was instrumental in our team's success. We will take the necessary actions here at the University to address this immediately."

Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith promised police involvement.

"The threatening social media attack E.J. Liddell faced after the game yesterday is appalling and will not be tolerated," Smith tweeted Saturday morning. "To the few of you who have chosen to inappropriately rail against our players on social media, stop. Hate and derision have no place in Buckeye Nation or in civil society. If you cross the line and threaten our players, you will be hearing from the authorities. That I promise you."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/mens-college-b...esponds-disgruntled-fans-ncaa-tournament-loss

If you cross the line and threaten our players, you will be hearing from the authorities.

Just sayin': The authorities should definitely investigate, find out who is sending the tweets, and prosecute if warranted.
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Source: Ohio State reaches out to police after E.J. Liddell received threatening tweets following NCAA tournament loss

Ohio State has reached out to the police, a source told ESPN's Myron Medcalf, after Buckeyes forward E.J. Liddell received threatening messages following the team's first-round exit from the NCAA tournament Friday.

Liddell and the No. 2-seeded Buckeyes fell 75-72 in overtime to No. 15 Oral Roberts in the first major upset in the tournament in two years.

Following the loss, Liddell shared screenshots of messages he said he received from the two disgruntled fans, including one who threatened to find and physically attack him. In responding to the pair of fans, Liddell asked, "What did I do to deserve this? I'm human."

Another fan wrote to Liddell: "You are such a f---ing disgrace. Don't ever show your face at Ohio State. We hate you. I hope you die I really do."

Buckeyes coach Chris Holtmann issued a statement Saturday morning supporting Liddell.

"These comments, while not from or representative of Ohio State fans, are vile, dangerous and reflect the worst of humanity," Holtmann said. "EJ is an outstanding young man who had a tremendous sophomore season and he was instrumental in our team's success. We will take the necessary actions here at the University to address this immediately."

Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith promised police involvement.

"The threatening social media attack E.J. Liddell faced after the game yesterday is appalling and will not be tolerated," Smith tweeted Saturday morning. "To the few of you who have chosen to inappropriately rail against our players on social media, stop. Hate and derision have no place in Buckeye Nation or in civil society. If you cross the line and threaten our players, you will be hearing from the authorities. That I promise you."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/mens-college-b...esponds-disgruntled-fans-ncaa-tournament-loss

Just sayin': The authorities should definitely investigate, find out who is sending the tweets, and prosecute if warranted.
I'm not defending the tweets or posts, but from what I have seen, I don't think this situation really merits police investigation. They are hostile but I don't think they are actually threatening to kill him. Just angry fans taking out their frustration on a keyboard.
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I'm not defending the tweets or posts, but from what I have seen, I don't think this situation really merits police investigation. They are hostile but I don't think they are actually threatening to kill him. Just angry fans taking out their frustration on a keyboard.

It has been "forwarded" to the police for possible investigation:

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