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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

Where would he play At the next level right now:huh: He certainly could not play the 2 at the next level because he does not have the ball handling skills and I think the 3 position would be a stretch for him at this point in his development.
No clue but that rarely stops guys who think that can go, from going. Keeps working his midrange game, imo, and he's a lottery next year
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Where would he play At the next level right now:huh: He certainly could not play the 2 at the next level because he does not have the ball handling skills and I think the 3 position would be a stretch for him at this point in his development.
I really liked J Tate when he was at tOSU but couldn’t quite imagine him playing in the league but he is a Houston Rocket.

And EJ is way better.
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E.J. is extremely fortunate that there aren't fans in the stands these days. Otherwise, the student sections across the Big Ten would look like Snakes on a Plane with rubber snakes, snake posters, folks dressed as snakes – hell, I'm sure someone's got a pet snake they'd try to get on the court.

But at least he won't have to worry about this!

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/skul...ith-puts-pressure-on-qbs-and-ej-liddell-fears
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His mid-range and 3 range improvements are going to be cash money for him when he goes. The 2022 draft I mean

His game actually looks a lot like Jason Tatum's did before he added ball handling to his repitoire and Tatum is a 6'8 PF/SF, not out of the realm of possibility for EJ. But I hope we get another year from him as well.
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