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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

MVP of this team. CJ is the leader but EJ is the MVP

Yeah, E.J. Liddell is the best player on the team, he's the team's "go to" guy; when the game is on the line they need to get him the ball.

What is very clear right now that not only is EJ Liddell the heart and soul of this Ohio State team, but he is also their best player. Averaging 15.5 points and 7.5 rebounds per game while shooting 54 percent from the floor, Liddell is just the engine that drives this team.
Entire article: https://247sports.com/Article/Ohio-...ris-Holtmann-EJ-Liddell-undefeated-156497125/
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EJ Liddell may be the best player in the B1G next year and may even eventually have a better NBA career than Garza; but so far this year Garza is the best player in the B1G. Garza is currently leading the B1G in both scoring and rebounding.
EJ Liddell may be the best player in the B1G next year and may even eventually have a better NBA career than Garza; but so far this year Garza is the best player in the B1G. Garza is currently leading the B1G in both scoring and rebounding.

Imo if EJ had Garza's size it wouldn't be close...love Garza's game too but EJ's footwork touch and mid range shooting are just a notch above on top of that it looks like EJ is starting to get comfortable putting the ball on the floor and the kid has handle and that will open up his passing ability
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