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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

liddell's 4 games since young's injury:

23.3 minutes
10.3 points (50% shooting)
6.0 rebounds
1.5 blocks

liddell's last 4 games with young:

15.3 minutes
6.0 points (32% shooting)
3.5 rebounds
0.5 blocks

while liddell's increased scoring and rebounding parallel his increased minutes, he has been far more efficient. in only 1 of those 4 games with young did liddell score more than 4 points. compare that to scoring at least 8 points in 3 of the 4 games without young. what's even more interesting is that despite the 50% increase in minutes, he's been called for half as many fouls: 5 versus 10. he's played 73 minutes in the last 3 games but has committed only 2 fouls. given his physicality, that is very impressive.
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the only thing that sort of concerned me about EJ is when he gets his shots blocked close to the basket… do not know how to correct that problem… Maybe where he is holding the ball but that would be difficult correction
yeah, his offensive game is still a bit rigid. it's like he's caught off guard by the size and athleticism of the college game, though he has gotten better at anticipating the defense. fully expect that liddell will have a very productive off-season and become a breakout player next year. think the main things for him to work on are foot speed, footwork, and general body recomposition. not particularly fleet of foot right now.
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yeah, his offensive game is still a bit rigid. it's like he's caught off guard by the size and athleticism of the college game, though he has gotten better at anticipating the defense. fully expect that liddell will have a very productive off-season and become a breakout player next year. think the main things for him to work on are foot speed, footwork, and general body recomposition. not particularly fleet of foot right now.

I agree with your analysis. With experience and strength & conditioning, I think the game will slow down for Liddell, and hopefully his spatial awareness and vision will increase. Looking back to the beginning of the season, Liddell's level of play has improved dramatically. Really like his motor as well.
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At least someone wants to stay

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At least someone wants to stay

Coming off the bench, Liddell averaged 6.7 points and 3.8 rebounds per game his debut season with the Buckeyes, but he was playing his best basketball towards the end of the season.

Liddell scored 17 points with eight rebounds in a road loss to Iowa at the end of February, then had 17 points and 11 rebounds for his first career double-double against Illinois in the home finale. He finished the season with 12 points in a road loss to Michigan State, which turned out to be the final game of the season.
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