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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

My wife was actually yelling at the tube watching EJ and Kaleb get hammered underneath. Which was why I chuckled when the Maryland coach called Kaleb a 'thug' (my paraphrase). Thought that Maryland bigs were banging pretty hard under there as well. Guess that Maryland is still not used to the physicality of the B10, being in the mamby pamby ACC for so long. EJ's got the body to bang, and he's using it. Saw him run the court more (could be why he's getting more minutes), and be a force in the paint. Wish he had a bit more air under his shot though.....Go Bucks!
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EJ will probably get extended minutes with Young still out and Gaffney still "ill". Hope he brings it like he did against the Terps. ttun has some pretty tall boys so EJ is really going to have to bring it.
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