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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

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gonna enjoy liddell's progress throughout the season. he's barely scraped the surface of his potential. still plays inside his head too much, which is certainly understandable and even expected for a freshman. takes time for a player to learn that what worked in high school doesn't work nearly as often in college due to the length, strength, and athleticism that was rarely faced in high school. you even see it from carton at times when he gets inside of 6 feet and tries to force a shot over size.

think liddell will show a game-to-game progress that is more gradual, but i would not at all be surprised to see liddell go all bonkers with more than 15 points. the proverbial light going on, if you will. still contend that by season's end, he'll be the type of player that you isolate on one side while the others are on the other side of the court, which is what the staff is doing with kaleb.

all of that being stated, liddell is still very much a plus-defender. he's a big boy that thrives on bodying up opposing power forwards. his foot speed facing wings off the dribble isn't where you want it to be, but i think that will be addressed in the offseason.
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