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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

EJ is a stud, needs to keep getting more minutes. I don't think any team has an answer to stop him. Carton and Liddell are going to wreck some teams this year.

I remember those days, when the future of the Bucks looked so bright. Feels like it was just 3 weeks ago.
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Love the raw material. Wish there was an injection that would give EJ the 'court savvy' that Kaleb has. Guess that is what is called 'patience'. Game seems to be getting slower for him, and he is making more of an impact. I actually thought that Gaffney would have a bigger impact this year, but what do I know. Envision him to be more of a Kaleb than a Young, although EJ seems to patrol the low post more often. go Bucks!
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Have no idea what Holtmann has against EJ but he sure does not get much playing time. Against Indiana he hit two nice jump shots and was not turning the ball over but he was out of the game pretty fast. Seems like he plays fairly good defense so I do not think that is the issue. Maybe it is the position that he plays because he would have to take over for one of the Wessons or Kyle.
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Have no idea what Holtmann has against EJ but he sure does not get much playing time. Against Indiana he hit two nice jump shots and was not turning the ball over but he was out of the game pretty fast. Seems like he plays fairly good defense so I do not think that is the issue. Maybe it is the position that he plays because he would have to take over for one of the Wessons or Kyle.
I think the reality of the situation is EJ has major work to do in improving his 3-point shooting. Missing that distance shooting element prevents him from truly being a perfect fit for the brand of positionless basketball that Holt aspires to have. If he expands his range, it will be hard to keep him off the court in the future. And yes having the Wessons and Kyle limits the minutes available to him as well.
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I think sometimes EJ is trying too hard to make something happen. He has very good form when shooting the ball but needs to work on other areas of his game.

EJ is one kid that i know will be fine, Kyle as his mentor...remember Kyles freshman year? We as fans get frustrated when kids don't get there as fast as we'd like but everything will be fine, EJ will have a few more games like the NC game earlier in the season hopefully he saves them for March...
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