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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

Reminds me of Tobias Harris. Looks like he can be a big 3 or a stretch 4. Love his game!
watched harris' college highlights (link) and checked his college stats (link). seems fair, though you were probably referring more to the nba harris. harris was able to initiate transition, penetrate from the perimeter, exploit the mid-range, and body-up defenders. i think that meshes well with what we may/should see from liddell. harris obviously had more heft, but liddell is more explosive. like harris, liddell is not a great outside shooter but still has a jumper that will need to be respected.
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watched harris' college highlights (link) and checked his college stats (link). seems fair, though you were probably referring more to the nba harris. harris was able to initiate transition, penetrate from the perimeter, exploit the mid-range, and body-up defenders. i think that meshes well with what we may/should see from liddell. harris obviously had more heft, but liddell is more explosive. like harris, liddell is not a great outside shooter but still has a jumper that will need to be respected.
Yeah I have been watching the NBA playoffs and I was initially thinking Paul Milsap...which might actually be more fair. But I think just like Harris, Liddell will develop very good range on his shot. I think Harris is more versatile, which is why I made the comp.
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Here was our interview with Liddell as he prepared to arrive at Ohio State.

Q: E.J., when are you arriving at Ohio State?

Liddell: “I’m very excited. I’m getting packed. I will get there (Saturday). I couldn’t be more happy. I’m just happy to be a part of the Buckeye Nation.”

Q: As you think back on it and you’re ready to be fully invested in it, what was it about Ohio State in your mind that swung it?

Liddell: “It was just the culture they have and also the coaches. I’ve talked to people who have been coached by them and people who have been around them a long time. It’s just how true and how honest they are. The guys all have the same mind-set. They want to win as much as I did.”

Q: Are you looking forward to getting to work with the full team? It will probably hit pretty good next week.

Liddell: “I’m ready to get after it with the guys. We will go and work hard and get after it and just try to get better.”

Q: Have they talked to you about a role? Do they feel you are best suited for the four or do they feel you can play the three or the five if need be?

Liddell: “They want me to get into my sweet spot in the post. But they also want me to play the three. They don’t want me to go away from my post game because that’s my strong spot. If I can play the three and the four, that’s what they are focusing on.”

Q: With two state championships, you accomplished so much there. What were your thoughts on how that all ended up and to be honored again as you were? It seems like an incomparable high school career.

Liddell: “I couldn’t ask for more. Maybe I could have played in more All-American games. I worked my hardest. I can’t be mad at myself. I had a great year and I was really focused on winning. That’s what I focused on. I wanted to help my school win it again.”

Q: You got to play with D.J. Carton in a couple of the all-star games. What were those opportunities like to talk about what lies ahead?

Liddell: “We were roommates at both All-American games. All we did was talk about how excited we were to get up there and get after it.”

Q: This class with Carton, Gaffney and Diallo, what do you think about this class? It looks good on paper.

Liddell: “It does look good on paper, but we have to go in there and work. That’s what we try and do to get better and win as many games as possible. We have the right guys. We have to come with the right mind-set and go in there and work for it.”

Q: They have Kentucky, North Carolina and Villanova on the schedule this year to go with the Big Ten. You will be playing against some big-time opponents. Is that an intriguing thing?

Liddell: “That is great. We will have a great conference schedule, too. All of those games will get us ready for the postseason. We will be up for every competition that comes our way.”

Q: Some of the predictions have Ohio State in the top 15 or top 25 this year. How exciting would it be to be on a team that contends for championships and can make a deep postseason run?

Liddell: “That is definitely the goal. We don’t want anything else but to win championships. All of the other individual awards will come with it after we win. Everybody will have the same goal to win. We’re all going to work together.”

Entire article: https://247sports.com/college/ohio-...EJ-Liddell-set-to-enroll-this-week-132884985/
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Colin Hass-Hill on June 24, 2019 at 3:16 pm @chasshill

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Ohio State's newcomers have their numbers.

Alonzo Gaffney will wear No. 0, DJ Carton will wear No. 3, Ibrahima Diallo will wear No. 15 and E.J. Liddell will wear No. 32. The quartet of freshmen make up the top-ranked 2019 recruiting class in the Big Ten.

California transfer Justice Sueing has also been given a number; he will rock No. 14. However, he will not be eligible to play immediately following his move from the west coast and will sit out the 2019-20 season before having two years of eligibility remaining.

All five newcomers are on campus, enrolled in classes and taking part in workouts.

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my assumption is that liddell won't shoot north of 32% behind the arc this season. but if he does...

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