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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

The "lowest-ranked" prospect in the Ohio State 2019 recruiting class, checking in at a mere #45 overall, Liddell is another forward, and being bigger than Gaffney, is an absolute force for opposing teams to handle.

Liddell has led his Belleville team to one of the best records in the state, averaging 20.6 points per game, with 9.5 rebounds. He is a double-double machine so far this season, and will seemingly be brought in to do similar things at Ohio State. Already standing at a physically imposing 220 pounds, Liddell could be a monster for the Buckeyes early in his career.

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looking up liddell's season stats...

free throws

sr. - 163/227 (72%)
jr. - 227/288 (79%)


sr. - 20/73 (27%)
jr. - 27/77 (35%)

overall shooting was better as a junior. obviously would rather see the percentages flipped, but the stats are still indicative of someone who can provide a scoring threat inside, from mid-range, outside, and from the free throw line. lots to like about his junior season at the free throw line. hoping he can be a 33%+ shooter from outside as a freshman. would be a major lift to the team. regardless, liddell projects to get to the charity stripe a lot, so let's hope that average carries over. no reason it can't since his form is very good and since he's not lacking for confidence.
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liddell is pretty much a lock to be mr. basketball yet again, which would make him only the second two-time winner (jabari parker) in the award's 39 years. not too shabby when players like eddy curry, derrick rose, laphonso ellis, shaun livingston, jahlil okafor, and quentin richardson won "only" once or not at all. i'd include kevin garnett, but he played in illinois for only one season.

still think plenty of osu fans are undervaluing the impact liddell will have right out of the gate. kid's as much a stud and ready-made as any we've had since 2000. due to depth at his position(s), ej may not be as "needed" as oden, conley, and russell were, but i firmly believe he's in that company if not just a rung below.
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still think plenty of osu fans are undervaluing the impact liddell will have right out of the gate. kid's as much a stud and ready-made as any we've had since 2000. due to depth at his position(s), ej may not be as "needed" as oden, conley, and russell were, but i firmly believe he's in that company if not just a rung below.

I am in absolute disbelief with the expectations the fanbase has for Gaffney in comparison to EJ. There is a very small chance that the general fans will be satisfied with Alonzo's first year. EJ will benefit from less expectation.

Happy for EJ.
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