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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

Holtmann quote
“E.J. is a tremendous addition to our University and basketball program,” Holtmann said in a statement. “He has the versatility, skill and toughness that is so important in today’s game. He and his team at Belleville West won a state championship and in recruiting him we came to realize how important winning is to him. E.J.’s talent and competitiveness will serve him well as he competes at the highest level of college basketball as a Buckeye. We are excited to welcome E.J. and his family to our Ohio State Basketball family.”
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My hometown hosts the most attended basketball tournament in the country, the Bass Pro Tournament of Champions and I’ve been able to see many future stars in high school like Alonzo Mourning, John Wall, D Russell, etc (in fact I gave him an OH shout and he replied IO) which was cool.

Looking to forward to watching EJ for 3 days here in a few weeks.

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My hometown hosts the most attended basketball tournament in the country, the Bass Pro Tournament of Champions and I’ve been able to see many future stars in high school like Alonzo Mourning, John Wall, D Russell, etc (in fact I gave him an OH shout and he replied IO) which was cool.

Looking to forward to watching EJ for 3 days here in a few weeks.

Do not forget to send a report on the West Maroon team.
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My hometown hosts the most attended basketball tournament in the country, the Bass Pro Tournament of Champions and I’ve been able to see many future stars in high school like Alonzo Mourning, John Wall, D Russell, etc (in fact I gave him an OH shout and he replied IO) which was cool.

Looking to forward to watching EJ for 3 days here in a few weeks.


Can't wait for the Bass Pro Tournament of Champions this week and get a chance to check out EJ and a bunch of other studs. They say this is the most talented teams ever in the tournaments 35 year history. USA Today ranked teams #2, #14, #17 (EJ's team), #15 and #18.

Having 5 out of 8 teams ranked in the top 20 should be awesome competition. Got 4th row seats all 3 days, taking my dad and son.
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