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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

Via his twitter account ej will sign on Monday due to snow and weather issues. Go bucks and great win last night against creighton on the road by the fighting young bucks with the help of the two elder statesman of course in cj and mr Woods. Think we may have another surprising year with this crew! Go bucks! The future is definitely bright!! Better put on your shades
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I really think EJ is going to start at some point next year. I believe he provides everything that our current 3/4's do and more.
i do think liddell is going to be good enough to start, but i have a hard time seeing him start over a senior (andre) who will have started two full seasons and a junior (young) who probably will have started one full season. the great thing about liddell, though, is that you can put him in at the first timeout to replace either andre, young, or kaleb. ej is so darn variable that he's the kind of guy you just put into the game and figure out the rest later.
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