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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

He’s definitely not a typical power forward type. I know some sites list him that way.

He does love to block shots and is a very good passer. Dude has some long arms seeing him in person.

Point forward may be a decent description. Looks like a 3 to me in the way I think of players.

At the Bass Pro tourney last week it just seemed like he was loving the blocked shot but he did get in foul trouble.
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Exact same thing I thought watching those highlights. Handles and vision are like a 1/2 guard with the size of a 3/4.
Watching him for 3 straight days live this exactly correct. And I know I’ve said it a lot but the dude just seems to love blocking shots with those long arms. He’s definitely a multi tool guy.

I’m certainly excited about the future and it makes the current slump easy to take. I knew it would be a rebuilding year anyway.
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LIDDELL UNDERRATED? I say this all the time, but knowing the talent coming in next year makes this hoops season so much easier to stomach.

It's like staring at your bank account in absolute dismay, but knowing that direct deposit is going to hit on Friday. It ain't fun now, but you know things are probably going to be alright if you can live off of Chef Boyardee for a few more days.

For Ohio State, it's not a direct deposit, it's just one hell of a recruiting class.

The Buckeyes have a top-10 class with three top-50 players incoming, and the lowest-rated player of the trio might be one of the most underrated players in the class.

From Eric Bossi of Rivals.com:

As teams look to play smaller and stretch the floor, this is a group that fits that as I see several guys who can face up and shoot – or at least attack off the dribble – and several who could slide a spot over and play as mobile, skilled centers. Especially considering the type of big numbers

E.J. Liddell is capable of putting up as a collegian, I think we could look back and feel that he was underrated when it comes to college impact. I see a future All-Big Ten player and perhaps a conference player of the year before his time in Columbus is through.

I think all three of these players will be some of the best we've seen in Columbus in quite a while and I'm stoked to see how they mesh with the guys on the current roster.

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