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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

watching liddell from a conventional camera angle instead of from the floor behind the basket shows just how much of a dynamic man-child he is. passing and ballhandling are on point. said many times over that ej is very much a 3 when he wants to be or when the team needs him to be. ultimate swiss army knife. the guy who kills zones. stud. positively geeked about him next season.

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Joining Carton are a pair of forwards. In-state product Alonzo Gaffney, as well as Illinois native EJ Liddell are both top 50 prospects, and both will be asked to make major impacts during their time in Columbus.

Of the two, Liddell should be more ready to play. Liddell is one of the hardest playing kids in the class, and at around 6-foot-7 and 225 pounds, gives Ohio State an active force at the power forward spot. Look for Liddell to provide instant help on the glass as well as around the rim and in the mid-range.
Brian Snow
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. E.J. Liddell's been improving his game since he first stepped on a high school court, and he knows he's going to have to improve at the college level as well.

But that doesn't mean he's not also coming in with some immediate expectations. He's coming to compete for rings, starting next year.

From Dean Crittle of the Belleville News Democrat:

”Did I think EJ would win back-to-back Mr. Basketball awards? No I did not. Did I think we would win back-to-back state basketball championships? No I did not,’”Muniz said. “But I will tell you one thing: In my 20-22 years of coaching high school basketball, I don’t think I’ve ever had a player improve from day one to his final game as much as he did. Every year he would improve in a different aspect of his game.

“Now EJ has to improve in a lot of different areas in order to make an impact at the next level. I’m looking forward to seeing him do that in the next four years.”

The next four years will be at Ohio State University where he will play for head coach Chris Holtmann. He is one of a trio of players that includes Alonzo Gaffney and DJ Carton, which is being touted as one of the best in the nation.

Gaffney is a 6-9 forward while Carton was ranked as one of the top three senior point guards in the nation this past year.

“We’re looking to make an impact,” Liddell said. “Ohio State will graduate three seniors, two role players. Hopefully we can come in and win the Big Ten Tournament.”

I appreciate him trying to be confident but still realistic by suggesting the Big Ten Tournament instead of The Big Dance, but if this team really does have the talent to win the Big Ten Tournament next season, it's absolutely going to be a national title contender as well.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/skul...-big-ten-tournament-championship-tyrod-taylor
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