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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)


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I cannot believe that certain people on this thread question the members of the BP Recruiting Team when they posted certain nuggets last week. Some of you guys are a little bit new, in terms of years, to this board and the members of the BP Recruiting Team usually are not incorrect when they post their nuggets. I am not saying that they always get them but they usually do not post unless they are pretty certain.

Also, it would be nice to keep this thread for EJ and to discuss how the class is going to affect Ohio State recruiting going forward and how EJ is going to match with other guys already on the team. That is why there is a thread for General Recruiting at the top of this forum.
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“E.J. Liddell is one of the toughest kids in the entire country,” said 247Sports basketball recruiting analyst Brian Snow. “He plays as hard as any player in this class, and has good athleticism. He is an undersized power forward more than he is wing, but his toughness and production are second to known.

“If he can improve his perimeter skills he has a chance to be special. Even if he doesn't, he is the type of high level four-year contributor that coaches love.”
Instant Impact: Holtmann lands forward he wanted in Liddell
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I cannot believe that certain people on this thread question the members of the BP Recruiting Team when they posted certain nuggets last week. Some of you guys are a little bit new, in terms of years, to this board and the members of the BP Recruiting Team usually are not incorrect when they post their nuggets. I am not saying that they always get them but they usually do not post unless they are pretty certain.

Also, it would be nice to keep this thread for EJ and to discuss how the class is going to affect Ohio State recruiting going forward and how EJ is going to match with other guys already on the team. That is why there is a thread for General Recruiting at the top of this forum.

Are you referring to me (I have been here since 2013, is that "new")? I don't really see anyone questioning the nuggets that the Recruiting Team shared and I also had a good feeling around that same time. In fact, in response to what they were sharing I said "that's a mighty fine nugget." I continued to share info that was coming from other sources, but I don't think any of it was of a tenor of direct conflict with the nuggets from the BP team, it was just updates on the process leading up to the announcement.

But yes, I agree, keeping it EJ.

I personally really do think of him as a couple inches taller/couple inches longer, somewhat better-shooting Tate. That is, a 3-4 year player who is going to be a huge boon at the college level.
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Wow, huge commitment! CH is just absolutely killing it, had Liddell at the very top of my board for '19 to join Carton and Gaffney. Truly an unreal '19 class to follow up a very, very good '18 class. Really have a feeling that EJ will be a fan-favorite here with the way he plays. Welcome aboard Mr. Liddell, can't wait to see you in Columbus!
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When E.J. Liddell watched the various college teams recruiting him play on television last season, he didn’t just treat them like normal basketball games. Instead, he envisioned himself on the court.

Liddell, a four-star prospect from Belleville (Illinois) West, imagined himself in the offensive system. He considered how he might fit alongside the pieces on the court and looked for someone similar to him in order to visualize a path to success.

That meant, when viewing Ohio State, the 6-foot-7, 225-pound power forward fixated on Keita Bates-Diop.

“I see him as a versatile four,” Liddell said. “He posts up. (He plays) out on the perimeter all the time, too. Can dribble the ball up the court off the rebound. He's a very active guy in their system, which I like.”

Liddell tuned into the Buckeyes’ games as much as possible, even before Chris Holtmann called him in January to offer a scholarship.

“I watched Ohio State all the time,” Liddell said. “I mean, I missed a few games here and there, but if it's on the TV, I will watch it. I just always loved Ohio State.”

He saw Bates-Diop evolve from a 11.9-point, 6.4-rebound player in his second season at Ohio State to a 19.8-point, 8.7-rebound Big Ten Player of the Year honoree in his fourth season before declaring early for the NBA draft.

During his official visit to Ohio State on Aug. 31, Liddell finally had the chance to meet Bates-Diop, with whom he believes he has a similar style of play. Bates-Diop lauded Holtmann and told Liddell the program has “great support.”

“They said (Bates-Diop) had a lot of potential, but he never really got to use it until his senior year, until he got into coach Holtmann's offense,” Liddell said.

Monday night, just a little over a month after meeting Bates-Diop and hanging out with commits Alonzo Gaffney and D.J. Carton on his visit, Liddell announced his commitment to Ohio State.

He chose the Buckeyes over two finalists, Illinois and Missouri. Liddell took official visits to all three schools within a few weeks of each other, but ultimately decided to join Holtmann’s program. The commitments of Liddell, Carton and Gaffney give the Buckeyes their first recruiting class comprised of three top-50 players since 2011.

Liddell, the No. 48 overall prospect and the 10th-best power forward in his class, called Ohio State’s camaraderie the determining factor that led to him opting to become a Buckeye. He said the cohesion was immediately noticeable.

“Who they hang around and who they be around, that's the players I want to be around,” Liddell said. “People with good influences and not with outsiders telling them what to do and putting them in bad things. It's like the basketball team's all around each other and they all connect. It's not like certain guys sit outside the group.”

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio...-hopes-to-make-a-similar-impact-at-ohio-state
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