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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

Making terroristic threats absolutely is a crime be it on social media or in person.
Yep. People need accountability and discipline. That’s not acceptable. And honestly, scary - be it for EJ or someone else that person crosses. There are always signs before tragic events unfold. It’s best we start paying attention to them.

Makes me hurt to even read what EJ had to.
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Who cares.

Out the cowards!
Actions should have consequences. The aunomous nature of the internet means some people use it to act like real pieces of shit. I don't care if you think he lost the game. He's had a hard last few games at the end of the game. Rage doesn't give you the right to be a total piece of shit without consequences especially since at least one has done it multiple times by those messages. Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if Washington is getting similar messages
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Really sickening to see this happen to EJ. I would hope these are not Ohio State "fans" doing this.
Well whoever they are they certainly are not “Ohio State fans” and are not representative of Buckeye Nation. The true fans support the players and staff and while we may have disagreements from time to time the fan base as a whole is in the team’s corner and support them 100%. Thank you guys for an incredible season.
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