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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

I'd say point me in the right direction but I dont want sensitive folks getting all in an uproar. This kind of shit is why society is fucked up. Just more ammunition to keep people divided and over what? A fucking basketball game? Mandatory 2 years of Civil Service of some kind for everyone graduating from High School would fix a lot of people. Try doing something for other people and then see how you feel about this kind of stuff. Just damn.

I'm not even sure why they would blame EJ in the first place. SMDH
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I'd say point me in the right direction but I dont want sensitive folks getting all in an uproar. This kind of shit is why society is fucked up. Just more ammunition to keep people divided and over what? A fucking basketball game? Mandatory 2 years of Civil Service of some kind for everyone graduating from High School would fix a lot of people. Try doing something for other people and then see how you feel about this kind of stuff. Just damn.

I'm not even sure why they would blame EJ in the first place. SMDH
They blamed him because he pretty much could have iced "A fucking basketball" game if he had made 2 free throws, or at least given them a pretty safe lead. You are exactly right, my friend. Social media aims to keep division of people alive, it's what keeps them in business. Whether this was simply a prank or not, I hope they find these assholes and make examples of them. That kid leaves everything on the court every time he plays. Without him, this team doesn't even make the tournament in the first place.
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I kind of tried to go on a basketball hiatus after that loss and just started reading all this. Not representative at all of our fan base and I hope EJ realizes that. I also hope there's a way to let EJ know that, he was the heart and soul of our team this year. Kid was holding his back up and down the court, we would have got destroyed by ORU without him and that's not an exaggeration. Really hope to see him back in Columbus next year.
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There’s an undeniable opportunity sitting in front of the Buckeyes to put together a strong bounce-back season, which Liddell realizes.

“If everybody puts in the work they did in the offseason, it's going to be pretty hard to beat us,” Liddell said. “I saw Malaki (Branham) had like 37 in his state championship game. That was pretty cool. Congrats to him. I feel like the young guys coming in give a big help. Meechie Johnson, he used this year to learn a lot from CJ (Walker) and things of that sort. I feel like we can be pretty good.”

His head coach, Chris Holtmann, agrees.

“You're hungry for what we can continue to do,” he said this week on the radio. “The exciting thing is I think we have a chance to have a strong core back and go from there.”
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